Your Bio

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Name: (y/n) Rowe.

Species: Human - Conduit

Hometown: Seattle, America

Appearance: top image

Weapon: Chain (is augmented by different abilities)

Power set:

I'll show what you look like for those powers when we get there.

Backstory: you grew up in the Akomish tribe, and had a reputation for being a delinquent. Your brother, Reggie, was a cop, and this caused the two of you to quarrel fairly often, but you always stuck with each other. Augustine attacked your tribe, so you went after her with your brother while also supporting your friends in their new schools.

Will be using the term "quirk" from BNHA instead of RWBY's "semblance", and Faunus will still be a thing. You already have smoke, which lets you fire concentrated blasts of smoke, turn into smoke, throw smoke bombs, and superheat weapons.

(a/n): hope ya enjoyed that, first chapter will be out... eventually. Knowing my track record, it might take a while. Please keep in mind that I know less about My Hero Academia than RWBY, so don't kill me if I mess up something. Next chapter will be your harem list, or at least the beginning of it. Enjoy!

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