1: All the Way to China

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In order to perceive the annals of ancient Egypt, the Paul, Joe, and Phil, decided to take on the drudgery of digging into an ancient mythical tomb. The tomb was so deep that the digging seemed interminable. However, upon entering the tomb, they where blinded by mountains of 16 mountains of jewels. Each on had its own jewel. Sapphires, topaz, diamonds, rubies, and emeralds, just to name a few. There were 8 on each side of a path lit by giant torches. It was like they had entered a glistening, magical realm. Then a giant gold sculpture in the shape of a sphinx with sapphire eyes spoke. Well, it didn't speak. It made high pitched feedback sound. Then a long:
After that horrible feedback, the sculpture spoke.
"Is this thing on?" spoke a voice, like one of a man so old that he had walked with dinosaurs. "Ah, good."
Paul, Joe, and Phil were extremely confused.
​"To pass, you must find the solution to this paradox: Everything I say is a lie. When I say that, am I speaking the truth, or lying?"

​Phil looked frustrated. He badgered the sculpture to give them a hint. He implored for about 15 minutes before giving up. Then, he turned around to face his friends.

​"What do we do know?" he asked. Paul who had been depressed for 2 months now, just sulked and kept his silence. Joe burst out in laughter. He took a portable chainsaw out of his fanny pack and started to saw at the Sphinx's mouth. It came away easily, for it turned out to be just wood painted gold. After some time, a stair well was revealed. The 3 followed the pitch-black staircase up, and each step they took compounded their fear. Then a tinge of light shone through, and they ran up until they were on the sidewalk of a city. There, in front of them, stood a little Chinese schoolgirl, staring at them. Then Paul spoke for the first time in 2 months. ​​
​"Holy cow guys, we dug a hole all the way to China!"

Paul, Joe, and PhilWhere stories live. Discover now