Chapter 3: Bloody Revolution

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She could hear the crackling energy through her horns that echoed through Jane's skeleton. Her body contorted to dodge the rock that was flung at her. Snapping back to her original position a fist flew towards her. Jane moves around 48 like water now, enabling her to show her superiority by toying with him. After all, these people wanted to see a fight not a slaughter.

She swept his leg up to make 48 slam on the ground gasping as a blue shard grazed his a face. He laid their petrified at the monster that faced him. There wasn't any emotion in her face except the life that burned in her eyes.

"Lets see you keep up four eyes or are you just desperate to die?" Combined with her age and lack of appearance before hand caused 48 to be destined to lose.

It was after his golden years of being in District 1 and the slow degraded to here in 8. He wasn't as flexible or reactive as the new generation of fighters. 48 accepted it while staring at 382. They were too fast too powerful, too sanguinary for him to keep up. This was supposed to be his last win before retirement, now it was a sentence.

382 stepped back allowing him to continue. Their fists collided, Jane wanted it to continue. To have someone so experienced in fighting techniques would give her something. For that to happen it had to be a scramble when both of them were already at their energy capacity. Suddenly an alarm went off, people from the stands scrambled, and in one swift move a group of people in black and orange suits rushed in. They barked commands and fired at the people who were once focused on the fight.

The doors to the pit opened as their handlers scurried to get their fighters. Gizmos and restraints were quickly placed on both 48 and 382. They were pulled away and ushered through the caves that ran under it. A few seconds of this before Jane dug her heels hard into the soil and bolted it back to the pit. She knew how to escape.They weren't Phantom, even if she spent the rest of her life locked away. Jane felt guns pointed at her once she stepped back into consciousness. She didn't look up but only stood there in submission. Maybe they were the same group who found her a few years back, maybe they weren't. They were here and she didn't want to go back.

Eventually shoved in to the back of a truck fitted with a cell separate from where the orange and black suited people sat on benches. Their weapons were tucked and safety was on all of them. It would've been hard to escape even with that. These people aren't messing around, they clearly had experience in handling the dangerous. Lacking windows in the back and previous location made it hard to even get a ball park of where they were. She still had the equipment tethered to herself from Phantom and some more restraints locking her to a rather tight dolly.

Assuming it was for transporting her, Jane tried to slip something off. One thing that she couldn't stand was her arms so bound. It made her vulnerable to everything being in such a state. Even if she did surrender it wasn't like they were just going to let a fighter-though in the 8th District- roam around.Once they know just how quickly she took down 48, her energy percentile, and especially what she was made for, they would lock her up even tighter than Phantom had. If they were able to find her once more after all these years it's bound to happen.

Why did she run?

Why couldn't she take it anymore?

Why was there not ability users here?

It struck Jane as odd that they were just regular people. Everyone had guns, not an ability ready to fire. How?

Just as she manage to loosen her hand restraints enough to squirm out of the truck screeched to a stop. The straps snuffed out her breath as she slammed into them. Seconds past before Jane regained it, by that time it was clear something was off. All the people with her started talking into their coms. A few even glanced at her before the doors opened to the outside and they piled out.

She slipped off her hand restraint and slowly freed the rest of herself by a minimal amount of energy. Jane slithered under the truck to get a peak at what was going on. A barricade made by black cars and a single moving truck while. White, black, and orange stood in a standoff before they all went off.

That's when she noticed them. Her stomach turned upside down at the site of the trio. Jane held back a gag while accidentally looking at one of their eyes.

Aeron, Narkissa and finally Damian.

Stealth, strike, and subdue.

The power of deception, accuracy and overwhelm.

It would be impossible usually for one ability user to take on all three. Luckily Jane had fought with them and lost. Over, and over, and over she got thrashed despite have more than a hundred folds more power than they did it was how they used it. Their tactics were strong as steel but lacked in flexibility. A bright barrier split the two groups apart as Jane manifested from it. Her eyes were wild and tense while looking at the armed people. The black and orange suits were surprised and looked back at where she had been held. To her disbelief, they continued pointing weapons at Jane. They acted like she too was the enemy, the horned black haired female protecting them.

These were professionals like her, they had gone on missions with them, practically grew up with them. Today, they weren't ever going to be on the same side. All four of them had a bright glow in their eyes that screamed their determined spirit. They weren't her friends, just some people she was forced to work with.

Narkissa's speed was hard to follow by eye, Damien gave her the gift of intoxication, and Arron was someone who you always look over your shoulder to expect a dagger. She couldn't see the hit that Narkissa made but she could feel them, the effect that Damien had over her still loomed heavily, yet Aeron was unmoving. One final hit sent her flying to the hood of the truck she was once in. She didn't waste precious seconds to recover before leaping back to attack.

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