55. Room 407

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People know me.

They know who I am and I get these quick looks. Some are pity looks some are dirty. Some are blank and questionable. They don't who I am. They don't know who I really am.

"How many of you feel as if you don't know who you are sometimes?" Hagen asked us.

Jordan was the first to raise his hand.

Hagen waited.

Fizz slowly raised his hand. Then Big guy, Laura was very hesitant.

Then all eyes were on me.

I raised my hand.

"How many of you feel like death isn't even equal to how you feel and need something more than. . . Death?"

We all raised our hand.

"How many of you. . . got something or someone to live for?"

We all raised our hand on cue.

"Fizz. What do have to live for?" Hagen asked.

". . . Bryce. He's my three year old son. My ex girlfriend took him away from me when I became an addict. I haven't seen him in a year."

Big Guy patted Fizz on the back. Fizz's eyes were watery. His face that was once agressive, became a soft tender broken-hearted one.


"Well, I don't have any kids but, my mother is getting sick and she has nobody else but me and sisters. I don't want her to die knowing her son is jacked up in the head. And I'm tired of my family despising me. I need to do better for myself and for my mother."

"Laura." Hagen went on.

"My brother Randy. I'm all he's got since my mother died and dad's getting abusive. Once I get out of here I'm going to take him to live with me."

"Big Guy."

"Myself. I don't have siblings and my parents hate me. Even though I'm a grown man, it hurts. I'm doing this for me. I need this. I don't have nobody, but myself."

". . . Rue."

I paused, and took a deep breath.

A tear slowly rolled down my face.

"Jrue. Gia. The baby that's inside me. And. . . and. . . . . . . . . . . Jules.

Die Forever (A Rue and Jules Love Story from Euphoria) BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now