Angel: I'm A Dad

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Summary: Set in S2E "Darla" when Darla came to Angel 6 months pregnant with Connor, and in the next episode or two after that.

It was a dark night in Los Angeles, California. Everyone was downstairs in the Hyperion hotel where they died in the Hyperion hotel where they did Angel Investigations, when a pregnant blond walked in.

Everyone turned to look at her, as she stood by the front doors and rubbed her stomach in a circular motion, as she said, "Hello, daddy."

She gave Angel a smile, as she looked at him.

"Darla," he said.

Cordelia immediately took charge.

"Fred, go get Darla something to drink."

"Cordy," Angel warned, as Fred left to obey her friend.

Cordelia looked at him.

"What, Angel?"

"It's Darla, Cordy."

"So? Don't you think she's been through enough? I'm going to help her, Angel. I of all people know what it feels like. You can stand there and do nothing for all I care, but she's pregnant because of you. So suck it up."

She went to Darla and helped her sit down in a wooden chair.

Fred came back and gave Darla a white, plastic cup of water.

"Is water okay, or would you like some blood, instead?" Fred asked the vampiress.

"It's fine, Fred," Wes said.

Gunn and Wes left the room with Fred.

"Thanks," Darla said after taking a sip of water.

"You're welcome," Cordy replied.

Later that night, Cordy was talking to Darla in a room. Darla was in the bed, Cordy in the middle of the room.

Suddenly, a vision hit her. At that same moment, Darla got an overwhelming thirst for blood. So she bit her, as Cordy's vision continued. She tried to scream in pain from both the vision and the bite, but Darla put a hand over her mouth.

A few minutes later, Angel came into the room and through Darla off her. Darla then jumped out of the window, as Angel picked Cordy up in his arms.

"You'll be okay. You'll be okay," he assured Cordy.

When Cordy's wound was taken care of, she told Angel what she saw in her vision, as she layed there in bed.

"Angel?" she said, as he walked towards the open door.

He looked at her.

"Be careful," she added to him.

She watched, as he left the room.

Darla was in a casino, searching for food. She saw a little boy about five or six years old whom was lost and looking for his mother.

She bent down in front of him.

"Looking for your mommy?" she asked him.

"Have you seen her?" he asked her.

"Let's see if we can find her," she said.

She lured him into a dark area of the casino.

"I don't think she's back here," he told her.

A moment later, Angel arrived.

"Run," he told the boy.

The boy ran off, as Darla and Angel fought.

Angel pinned her up against the side of a game machine.

"The pain; make it stop. Go ahead. Kill me. Put me out of my misery," she sobbed.

"Darla, listen; listen to me. The hunger; what you've been feeling; the baby is human. That's why you've been craving so much blood."

When Angel had Darla in bed upstairs and fed, he came downstairs and warned everyone to stay away from her.

He looked at Cordy.

"That means you, too."

"Don't worry. If I forget, I have a reminder," she replied, pointing to her patched up wound with a finger.

Everyone watched him go.

A few nights later, in the middle of an alley in pouring rain, everyone stood around Darla, as she layed on her back in pain.

Angel knelt by her.

"I'm gonna die in an alley. You died in an alley, remember?" she said to him.

"I remember."

"Promise me that you won't let anyone touch our son. Take care of him," she said.

"I promise."

With vampire reflexes, Darla grabbed Cordy's stake and staked herself, leaving behind their son.

Angel gently picked him up and got to his feet. Then everyone went back to the hotel where they all worked and Angel lived.

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