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In which Taeha is outed, recommends a show and helps Stays

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In which Taeha is outed, recommends a show and helps Stays

"Good afternoon STAYS!"

Omo, solo Tae live?
Yaaaassssssss the queen is blessing us
How are you Taeha?
Have you had a good day eonnie?

"Yeah I've had a really good day." Taeha said, leaning back on her bed. "I did an interview and a friendship test with Sungie today so that was fun. Well, everyone did it but I'm pretty sure we won so...." she laughed and continued to read messages and comments from her fans.

Of course TaeSung won, superior couple right there!
Absolutely no surprises, good job eonnie!

"Wah, it's so weird hearing eonnie sometimes." Taeha murmured, curling her fingers up. "Daehyun always calls me noona, so does the boys and even Tzu and Yeri are my age so they don't call me eonnie either."

Do you not like it?
We can stop if it makes you uncomfortable!

"No, no!" She said, waving her hands in the air. "If you guys are younger than me, it's good manners to call me eonnie. Plus I kinda like the older sister vibe, at least for you guys." She scratched her nose, looking away from the camera. Jeongin was off to the side playing a game on his phone, but she could see him trying to hold back his giggles.

Taeha eonnnnnnnie
Wah, you're super cute like that!
Get #taehaeonnie trending!

"I haven't done a solo live in a while hey?" She asked, leaning forward. "What should we talk about today?" She exhaled, glancing over to Jeongin to see if he had any ideas. He shrugged, tossing his phone to the side before bouncing over to lay his chin on her shoulder.

"Noona has a crush on ATEEZ!" He chirped, smirking. "She's been playing their song Horizon non stop and turns red every time she seems them perform Answer!" He tackled before dodging her halfhearted smack and running out of the room.

Omo, Jeongin did you dirty!!!
Same tho, you're not alone Taeha!
Seventeen, BTS, now ATEEZ!
ATEEZ are the same age range but they perform Answer and you guys do Levanter! Such a difference and I love it

"They do perform more mature concepts than us hey?" Taeha replied. "It's not really a crush though, Yeosang texted me and told me to watch their comeback because he wanted feedback. I just wasn't expecting the hip thrusts and Horizon to be so catchy."

Haha blame Yeosang for it
No one was prepared for that sweetie!
Omg, Horizon is such a vibe though!
Who is your favourite member other than Yeosang?

"Ah my favourite member?" Taeha asked, tilting her head. "Seonghwa oppa makes me a bit nervous because he's so tall and good looking, San and Wooyoung are - Ah, in my phone I call them Spawn One and Two - but I think I really like Hongjoong oppa. Have you ever seen his nail painting? He stands for a really good cause so I respect that a lot. And he works like Chan with producing and stuff so I admire that dedication too."

Yeah Hongjoong is pretty cool
Ahaha I love how honest you are about Seonghwa
Lmao spawn 1 and 2 I live
If I ever met Seonghwa I'd be nervous too
Waaaah you really respect Hongjoong hey

"I haven't ever really spoken with Yunho or Jongho or Mingi though." Taeha said. "Mingi and Yunho are really tall so I think I would be intimidated a bit. And Jongho can break fruit with his bare hands so that's a little scary. But Yeosang would never let me be scared of them actually."

I met them at a fansign they're really not scary at all!
I think you could beat them up if they scared you eonnie
You'd be fine eonnie!!

"Ah you think I'd be okay?" She asked, giggling. "M'kay, I'll see how I go. Oh, I forgot, I wanted to recommend a few shows and movies to go watch! That was what originally inspired me to do this live. Wow, I'm really bad at remembering stuff!"

What a mood, I can relate
I have never related to anything more in my entire life

"So, I finished watching Kingdom and I ended up re-watching Hwarang," Taeha said, ticking them off her fingers. "And one of my friends suggested this Chinese show that's based off of an anime she really likes."

Oh the Untamed!
Mo Dao Zu Shi!!! Yes, we stan a cultured queen
Chinese fans be loosing it!

"Oh do a lot of you guys watch it? Awww, I was super keen to recommend it." She pouted. "But yeah, it's called The Untamed. It's got Uniq's Wang Yibo in it and I really like the plot. Umm, also Hotel Del Luna with IU sunbae. Oh, and Daehyun recently got me hooked on Black, with Go Ara-ssi."

Wow, that's a lot eonnie
I've been religiously watching Hotel, it's sooooo good
IU is soooooo pretty!!

"How have you guys been doing? Is school or work going okay?" Taeha asked, taking her hair out to plaid it instead.

Ah, I'm struggling with my English studies, I just advanced up a class and it's gotten really hard
I have some difficult people in my class but I'm getting through it

"Oh no, I'm really sorry to hear that you guys." She said. "I wish I could help but my English isn't very good either. I can understand it really well but when it comes to saying it, I have a lot of trouble turning the words back around to make sense in English."

Same tho! Every Korean student can relate I think
Its the same learning Korean as well, I can understand it but not say it all properly.

"There we go, see everyone struggles." She said, clapping her hands. "If you're ever having trouble, see if other STAYS can help you. Our fandom is really good at picking each other up."

Wow, have never felt so proud to be in this fandom
We stan true royalty

"Oh, I have to go now guys." Taeha said, seeing Seungmin wave from her doorway. "I think it's dinner. Bye STAYS, I love you all! Seungminnie says goodnight too."

Bye Taeha! Bye Seungmin
Wow, that was a wonderful live

Bye Taeha! Bye SeungminWow, that was a wonderful liveTreated!!

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