chapter two

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Trying not to trip over my own two feet in these heels, I finally stumble to what I hope is the ladies bathroom door. Pushing the door open, a flood of relief fills me as a realise I'm alone in here. I approach one of the mirrors that are decorated with small lights that help illuminate the dark surroundings. 

My calming state is short lived when the door bursts open and smashes against very expensive looking walls. I jump in response. A girl with dark brown hair and deep chestnut eyes looks around with an infuriated look on her face. I quickly make myself known by my startled state. Her look of anger slightly dissipates as she looks to me.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," she says, with fists clenched at her sides still and knuckles turning white.

"I-It's okay," I say. 

"I can't believe them!" she shouts and smacks the wall.

"Are you okay? I-I mean is everything okay? It's none of my business but- "

"Chill Bambi. I shouldn't tell you anything. You're a complete stranger and from what I can see not the usual type to walk in here. But, if I'm being completely fucking honest, I need a stranger to vent to right now," the girl says to me. Why is she calling me Bambi?

"Okay, go ahead. I'm all ears," I tell her.

"To be honest, I have no idea why I got involved with these people in the first place. All for one fucking guy. His name is Zayn. I know you must've seen him, we all saw you on the dance floor," she begins to explain. Holy shit? She must be in with the exclusives on that balcony.

"They were all looking at you, like you were a piece of meat or something. The way they proceeded to talk about you infuriated me. They have no fucking respect for women, especially... never mind. God, they make me so fucking angry sometimes," I can clearly see how angry she is, she can barely get her words out without exploding.

"They were looking at me, what for?" I question her, suddenly panicked.

"Well, a couple of them thought you were hot. They wanted me to come down and bring you up. Like I'm their fucking bitch you know. Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean they can treat me like their servant! By the way, barely anyone gets brought up there, so you should feel honoured Bambi."

"Why do you keep calling me Bambi?" I ask her.

"Because you and baby Bambi are similar, same mannerisms, same demeanour." She's comparing me to a deer? I decide not to ask her anymore about it, she kind of seems pissed off enough already.

"Okay," I simply say.

"Anyway, they're expecting me bring you back up otherwise I'll land myself in a complete shit show. I just need to breathe for a second so I don't say something that will get me in more trouble," she says.

I have to go with her? Oh my god.

"What's your name?" flies out of my mouth before I can stop it.

"Raven. You?"


"Come on then Mia, we've got somewhere to be."

The only thing I seem to be able to do for the second time this evening is nod. I follow her outside the ladies bathroom and we're out in the smoky sweaty atmosphere of the club again. Lights flashing, beats pounding and drinks flowing. I can't believe I'm going with her, this is completely unlike me. I don't make irrational decisions, I don't come to clubs like this. But I know it's just better to cooperate.

Raven strolls towards a door, a blood red door. She looks to me. "Don't be too shy, but don't be too overconfident. If you find the perfect medium, you'll be absolutely fine."

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