chapter three

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My eyes slowly open. My surroundings blurry as I slowly adjust to the light of day. I sigh and turn over to grab my phone to look at the time, 11am. Looking down at my screen, I notice 8 panicked text messages from Willow. Oh god.

Are you okay?

Where the hell are you?

Mia, what the fuck?

The last message read 'I hope you're safe at home. Text me when you wake up x'

I type out a quick, 'I got home safe. I'll call you later, a lot happened x' and lock my phone. Staring at my ceiling, I begin to think about what happened last night.

H. The one letter that hasn't stopped running through my overthinking brain since last night. Who was he? He was so mysterious; he didn't really give much away. He certainly was the most intriguing person I've ever encountered in my life. His confidence...

Trying not to drive myself mad over it, I swing my legs out of bed and attempt to stop thinking about him. Strolling out of my bedroom into the kitchen of my apartment, I yawn to myself and rub my eyes. Reaching the fridge, I'm unfortunately greeted by nothing in there. Nothing that could please my hungry stomach.

Instead, I pour myself a glass of water from the tap and sip it gently. Water is better than nothing for now.

Finishing my water, I place the cup into the sink and head into bathroom and take a shower. I've got to start getting ready for work.

Before I can help it, my mind wanders back to last night. I ended up in Viscous, found myself on a VIP balcony, I met a girl named Raven and most importantly, the person who's name I only knew to be a letter, H.

He was so attractive, and there was no denying that. The way his hair hung down near his shoulders, and curled at the end. The way his mouth curved up into a smirk when he sensed my apprehensiveness. If I ever meet him again, I'm going to be more confident. I don't want him to know that he makes me nervous, I won't let him have the satisfaction. I won't let him intimidate me. There's no guarantee I will ever see him again, but there's no harm having a plan if it should happen.

I've always been skittish, but even more so after a few years ago. But recently, I've changed into a more confident person than I was. Don't get me wrong, I still have a long way to go.

My thoughts have consumed me and before I know it, all the hot water has gone. I step out of the shower, running a towel through my damp hair trying to dry it slightly and stroll back into my bedroom.

I change into my work uniform and check the time, it's already 12:30pm. I still have time to try and salvage some food.

Soon enough, the time comes for me to head into work. I don't mind work at all to be honest, I mean I don't want to work in this café for my whole life, but it suits me right now.

Arriving at work, I greet my boss. Her name is Anna, she's in her 50's and is a really kind woman. She's always been kind to me.

"Afternoon Anna," I say and give her a warm smile.

"Hi Mia. Hope you're well, could you start by doing some washing up please?" she politely asks me.

"Yeah, of course."

My workday consists of washing dishes and coffee mugs, making coffee and clearing tables. Sometimes it gets repetitive, but I love it, nonetheless.

In my break I finally find some time to call Willow and explain everything that happened last night.

"Hey Willow," I say.

"Mia! What the fuck? Are you okay? What the hell happened? Where did you go?" she fires questions at me.

"Which one of those do you want me to answer first?" I ask.

"Are you okay?" she breathes out.

"Yes. I'm fine. I'm okay."

"What the hell happened? Where did you go?"

"Well I went to the bathroom. I met a girl in the bathroom, and she said she'd been told to come and find me," I start explaining.

"What? To come and find you by who? That's super weird," she interrupts.

"Yeah I know. I thought it was weird too but apparently I had to go with her otherwise she was gonna get in trouble," I say.

"Mia! You don't go off with strangers. Especially ones who say that they will get in trouble if they don't bring you. You could've died!" she says loudly.

"Yes, I know. I should've thought about it more, but I didn't I was a bit drunk and wasn't thinking. But I didn't die I'm fine. She took me to this balcony and there were some important looking people up there who wanted to get to know me a little I guess? I don't know what happened, it's a little hazy but I'm fine. It's not a big deal."

"It is a big deal. I'm never leaving your side again when we go out. I shouldn't have let you go to that bathroom alone. I'm sorry," she apologises.

"Willow it's fine. Listen, I've gotta go and get back to work. Love you," I say.

"Okay if you're sure. Love you."

After several more hours of table wiping, dish washing and table clearing the day quickly draws to a close. I get off work at 7pm, bid goodbye to Anna and step outside into the fresh March air.

"Hey Bambi," someone says, and I jump in response. My eyes are greeted by Raven.

"Oh god, you scared me," I tell her.

"Sorry, I should really stop doing that," she smiles. What is she doing here?

"Yeah you should," I laugh. "How do you know where I work?"

"Oh you told me last night, I was hoping you would be working today. I wanted to come and talk to you."

Did I tell her that? I might have, I can't exactly remember to be honest.

"Okay," I laugh. "What do you want to talk to me about?"

"Last night. What happened. Listen, I just wanted to thank you. You didn't have to come with me, but you did, and I really appreciate it," she says.

"No problem. I didn't want you getting in that shit show," I smile and start walking.

"Mia, wait. I also came to tell you to be careful. H seemed to, well... he seemed to like you. He might... try something. Just watch yourself," she warns.

"What do you mean?" I stop and question her.

"It would be better if we could have this conversation somewhere more private. You never know who's about on the streets these days. Do you know anywhere we could go?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2020 ⏰

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