Chapter 1: A beginning

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It was a Friday morning when Akari woke up. Akari was a neko who had always hated the mornings and always covered her eyes with her blanket in the morning. Today was no exception. Akari has stayed in bed wrapping her cold body in her blanket,  trying to hide herself from the bright morning sun. After 2 mins of covering her face, she decided to get up and face the day. Akari groggily rubbed her still-tired eyes and steped out of bed. She picked up her phone and looked at the time. " 6:58 am" Akari said to herself. Her school had started at 9:30 am and was only 1 mile away. Akari wanted to go  back to bed, but then her alarm clock went off. She complained to herself a little but figured she would get dressed and eat early. "Uggh I guess I should go take a shower" Akari thought to herself. Akari made her way to her shower. Right as she about to turn on the water, she rememebered her heater was off. She made her way down stairs to turn on her heater. When she went down stairs she was greeted by her mother, who had just exited her room. "Good Morning Mom!" Akari said to her mother. Akari's mother Ashliana replied with "Morning dear". Akari turned on the heater, then made her way back to her shower, turned it on, took off her clothes and hopped in it. As she was showering, she rememebered that there was two new students coming to her school. Excited to go to school and meet them, Akari quickly finished showering and put a towel on. Akari went to her nightstand and picked up her phone. She checked the time. It was 6:12 am. She quickly went to her closet and got her lily white, crop top hoodie with her black pleated skirt. Akari quickly got dressed and made her way downstairs to get breakfast. On her way down she could smell the delicious aroma off eggs and bacon. When she went down stairs, she went greeted by her exhausted looking dad and her overprotective mom. She could tell that her dad was at work all night from the deep bags under his eyes.
                     Akari's POV

I went down stairs to go eat breakfast and was greeted by mom and dad. "Morning dad!" I said to him. It seemed to alert him as he jumped a little when I said it. I went to sit down and wait for mom to finish cooking. After 4 mins mom was done cooking, and plated the food for us. Mom, dad and I sat down and enjoyed mom's eggs and bacon. After breakfast mom and dad went to their room. Mom always help dad get dressed. Before I left I yelled "Later mom and dad I'm off for school!" They yelled back "Later dear!". Like that I was off for school. School was only a mile away from my house. I checked my phone and it was 8:02. I was relieved, school was starting 1 hour and 22 mins. As I walked I kept thinking about the two new students coming to my school. After 45 mins of daydreaming while walking I was finally at school. There I saw Celestia waiting at the school gate for me.
                  Celestia's POV

"Hmm I wonder who the new students are" I thought to myself. In the mids of my thoughts I heard a very familar voice calling my name. A voice I know all too well. It was Akari as I suspected. She walked up to me and said good Morning to me. I said to her and said "Good Morning Aki" 
                  Narrator POV

Like every morning the two would talk at the outside cafeteria until the bell rang. When the bell rang the would go to class together as they were in the same class. As they were walking to class they continued to talk about the new students and who they maybe, when Akari bummed into a guy. The guy ran away before Akari could see who he was. Celestia pulled her up and they continued to walk to class.

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