Chapter 6

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Your eyes closed and for some seconds you let him, but when you realized what he was doing you immediately opened them again and you pushed him away. He didn't expect it and wasn't stable, so he lost his balance. You stared at the air without seeing something. You stood up, glared at him and ran away. Upstairs.

He cursed at himself for being so stupid. Now you'll never forgive him. He messed up, again. You just stood there, in your room with wide eyes. You couldn't believe it. He's even now taking advance of you? Why would he do that? When the questions leaved your head, you caught yourself smiling. Your hand went to your face and your fingers touched your lips. The corners were up. You were indeed smiling. You slapped yourself for it, but regretted it right after. Why can't you just smile? It's no big deal right? Smiling throught this hard period is necessary.


The next day you woke up. Your stomach growled and you carefully went downstairs. You hope he's still sleeping and in your eyes it became reality. He wasn't downstairs. You walked to the door and tried to open it, but as you expected it was closed. You walked to the kitchen and instead of grabbing some food to calm your stomach of growling, you looked around for his phone, but didn't found it. Normally, he always charge it here, but now... It was probably in his room. Should you go and steal it? Better not, Baekhyun is a light sleeper. He'll probably wake up.

You sighted and grabbed something out of the frigde. You don't know what it is, but you assumed it was food and took a bite of it while walking upstairs again. You know your taste buds aren't broken, but you didn't taste it. You didn't even care. You stepped in your room and saw the clothes Baekhyun brought yesterday. He asked you to change, but you didn't. You looked at them and your hand touched the soft material it was made from. Your eyes went to the clothes you were now wearing. They didn't look so good with that blood on it and they smell too, so you sighted, grabbed the new clothes and walked to the bathroom.

You opened the door and closed it right away when you were inside, immediately locking it. You looked at the mirror and sighted. Your hair was messed up and your eyes were still puffy, even though you didn't cry anymore. You opened a drawer and searcher for a hairbrush. When you finally found one, you looked at it. There was still some dna from Baek in it, some hair. You sighted and brushed your hair with it.  Afterwards it looked much better and you took of your shirt and looked at it. You could smell the blood from miles away and you almost quickly looked away. It wasn't worth to see. It was disgusting.

"Why is it so cold?" You mumbled and quickly changed in the new shirt. When you wanted to change the jeans you were wearing you saw in the corner of your eye some spots on it. Strange, you thought so you looked at it. They shouldn't be there. Not on that spot. Your eyes widened. You quickly took them off and looked carefully. It was indeed what you thought it was. Your period just came up.

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