The end of the begining

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Ike and marth stood facing each other, their swords drawn. Marth stabbed his sword in the ground, he spoke Japanese for he couldn't speak English but he could understand that "I am not fighting my friend" marth said. ike held his sword tightly his eyes narrowed "for it is we must" he growled as he ran up to marth and slashed his cheek. Marth stumbled back but he did not fight back, soon marth was on his knees his body shook and blood covered his body and clothes. Ike's sword was covered in marths blood, marth weakly looked up at ike tears rolling down his cheeks "I...will not fight a friend" he whispered. like looked down at his friend no not just his friend his best friend, what had he done? He dropped his sword and fell to his knees next to Marth. Like was trembling he hugged marth tightly "m...marth what have I done?" He asked. Marth didn't reply he lied his head on Ike's chest his eyes closing, ike clutched onto marth tightly "marth....don't leave me..." He whispered.

Ike and marth, a love that never wasWhere stories live. Discover now