9: Zuberg

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"Oh, Kirito, how horrible? Is he alright?" Asuna sounded concerned.

"I think he'll be okay. He's still asleep now...I just didn't want to go far in case he woke up and needed anything," Kirito glanced back at the door to his room which was open slightly. He and Asuna were sitting next to each other in the hall outside talking in low whispers.

"I don't know what we're going to do though," he continued as Asuna took his hand in hers. "It's like we've come all this way to meet a dead end..." He gave an angry sigh.

"Eugeo...He doesn't deserve this... any of this."

"I know." Asuna squeezed Kirito's hand. "I felt the same way when you were in the STL. And you were the same when I was trapped in ALO. It's a hopeless, awful feeling, being apart from someone you care about so much. But, Kirito, I don't know if you're thinking straight...you're exhausted...we all are..." she turned away for a moment. "You can't push yourself too hard."

Kirito let go of her hand and put both of his hands against his face for a moment. His gray stare was sad and glazed.

"But, Asuna, he won't get better without her."

Asuna bit her lip. "He has to though. He has to, for her sake." Standing up suddenly her voice became firm.

"Alice will get better, but Eugeo can't wait for that! He's made too much progress already, he needs to keep gaining more strength!"

"He loves her, Asuna..." Kirito let his hands drop into his lap and stared blankly at them for a moment.

"...and if he really does, he will get better." Asuna put her hands on her hips and glared down at him. "It's going to suck, but I know he has it in him. Eugeo's stronger than anyone will give him credit for and we know that." Pausing for a moment she leaned forward and kissed Kirito on the cheek gently.

"For now, you and he need to rest. You've both been through so much. Look, I will do what I can..."


"Shhh. Go and get some more sleep, Kirito. Make sure when Eugeo wakes up that you're there so he doesn't have to be alone. I'm going to get to the bottom of this!" Asuna stood back up, looking defiant and beautiful as she always did when she had set her mind to something. She bent over and gave him one more kiss before turning to walk down the hall, her shoulders thrown back in determination. Kirito smiled as he stood shakily to his feet and turned to go back into his room, eager for more sleep.

"I want to see Dr. Zuberg," Asuna's face was set and her voice stayed even and firm, despite the anxiety that welled up in her chest. "I want to speak with him now regarding this..."

"Miss Yuuki, the Doctor is a busy man..." Dr. Hessler leaned back in his chair and shook his head. "And even if I were to get a hold of him..."

"He wouldn't have time for matters concerning his daughter?" Asuna's voice became chilly.

Dr. Hessler leaned forward again towards the girl. "What are you playing at, Miss Yuuki? You're the girl whose sheer determination and will infiltrated one of the most secure facilities in the world...of a company who has never been known to trust outsiders. Truly, remarkable."

"You're just like Kikouka then," Asuna crossed her arms. "You don't care for those involved, just the end...the end that always justifies the means. This time though, you're playing with more than just that! People's lives are at stake."

"Feelings do not equate to the same thing," Hessler murmured. "A fluke in the STL's programing is a minor glitch..."

"It was more than that," Asuna's eyes narrowed. "He beat impossible odds, all to come here to see her..." she leaned forward and gripped the edge of the desk. "Eugeo needs to see Alice...Look, I'm not saying it will all turn out well, but," she paused and took a breath in. "We have to give him a chance. He knows her! It's the only thing that's kept him from a total breakdown, through so much pain. How can you now take that away from him? It's all he has!"

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