10: Forget

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I want to add my notes before this chapter begins. First off, thank everyone who has read, reviewed, followed and favorited! I've been having a great time working on this fic and there is MUCH MORE TO COME.

Stick with me here. This is a drama and it's going to get a little crazy before things resolve.

YES. I want to write EugeoxAlice infinity, but for the sake of the story I have to work certain things out first. I know we all feel bad for poor Eugeo, but I can assure you things are about to start to really get interesting in this chapter and the next (which I am currently working on at the moment and am hoping to get it up before the end of this week or next!)

Again, I thank you all for reading and supporting my fic! :) Behold, the next chapter! ALICE SPEAKS!


Bright light.

So bright.

It forced her to open her eyes.


Closing them against the glare, Alice took a deep breath and let her eyes open again. This time she was met with not only the sight of light, but also a face she had seen before.

"Dr. Hessler?"

"Miss, Alice, can you hear me? Can you understand?" the doctor spoke seriously, while hovering just above her.


Alice nodded slightly, taking another breath and opening her mouth. Her voice was harsh and extremely hoarse.


The doctor's eyes widened as he stood back up and turned to the nurses beside him, who were still blurry and unfocused to Alice.

"It's a miracle! Hurry, call Dr. and Mrs. Zuberg! HURRY!"

For a moment, Alice watched the flurry of activity in the room before the light became too harsh and she closed her eyes again against the glare. Her head suddenly filled with a pounding ache.

"Miss Alice, please stay with us!" Dr. Hessler's voice was close to her face again.

"Alright, but..." Alice swallowed and took another breath. "The light, it's so bright. And I'm still so tired." A weak yawn left her lips as she wilted back against the pillows on her bed.

When she opened her eyes again, she was met by the sight of her parents standing before her, looking tearful but relieved. Her mother fell down by the side of her bed, weeping happy tears and kissing her cheek: telling her over and over again how much she loved her, while her father stood silent, a faint smile crossing over his face.

"My, dear Alice. It's so good to see you awake again."

"Father." Her voice was muffled by the embrace of her mother beside her.

"My dear, there's no need to speak now, you must rest!" Mrs. Zuberg looked up at her husband with a concerned look on her face. "She is exhausted!"

"I'm fine, mother," Alice yawned slightly. "I can't believe I feel so tired. What happened anyway? The last thing I remember, I was with my friends before...we were out after a party or something?"

Her mother's look suddenly darkened as she stood up and grabbed her husband's arm, turning away from Alice. Dr. Zuberg sighed slightly and pulled a chair up beside his daughter's bed, sitting down to face her.

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