i. h. shin

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hye soo shin ( 신수혜 )
^ given ^ middle ^ surname
name        name / family

mrs. han / mrs. jumin han - saeyoung
loves to say this , especially around
zen , cause it just makes everyone
ma'am - saeyoung called her this
as a joke , but he also started to
call her this since she is older than
he is

twenty five years old


openly bisexual

january 29th

ulsan , south korea


she has blonde , almost white , hair
that goes to her mid back . her hair
is also she has bright green eyes
and freckles on her cheeks . she is
fairly average height , standing
at five feet and five inches tall .


she has one piercing on each ear

she is very charismatic and charming .
she tends to win over and sway most
people's opinions when needed . not
to mention she can be very talkative ,
which can be her downfall sometimes .
she rambles when she's nervous which
can get annoying but she can't help it .
she also tends to try to not seem scared
or ever show that she is nervous . she
is always confident and holds her head
up high . she is very proper and
sophisticated , but she knows how to
have fun and knows when to be a bit
loose and relaxed .

aichmophobia - fear of knives
ornithophobia - fear of birds
gelotophobia - fear of being made fun of

cats , most animals , painting ,
drawing , photography , writing ,
food , cooking , sea creatures ,
biking , exercise , donating ,
helping others , travelling

social classes , stereotypes ,
violence , seeing people suffer ,
most american food , closed
minded people , homophobia ,
racism , sexism

jaehee kang - in the chance that hye
is able to convince jumin to give
jaehee a break or jaehee has some
free time or easy work , the two
will hang out . whether it's going
out fo some food or just sitting and
talking as they work . they also get
together at jaehee's house a few times
a month to watch some of zein's
musicals and plays , since both of
them are fans . ever since they met
the two instantly grew close , their
biggest difference is their opposite
feelings towards elizabeth the third
and jumin himself . hye will also offer to do some of jaehee's work or help her with the work load once she is dont her own work for the day .

hyun ryu ( zen ) - the two immediately
became friends when hye asked if he
wanted to go on a jog with her one
night . that night is when they realized
they had a lot in common . after
realizing this the two began to hang
out even more . hye will go over to
his house or they'll meet up and
she'll help him rehearse and go over
lines , in turn he will model for her
drawing and paintings or make /
buy her food or take out .

jumin han - the two are very close .
they met each other through a work
lunch one day , and neither of them
expected to talk again , but they
ended up becoming very close .
though most people would find all
of his talking about his cat annoying
she loved it and she wanted to see
all of the pictures he had of her .
the two will often work together ,
and have lunch together if they
have the time . not to mention he
often invites her over to see
elizabeth or to cat sit for him .
together when they're working it
is very dangerous to interrupt ,
since the two are so self motivated
if something gets in the way of
their work they will most likely
end up killing someone .

kyun shin - mother , alive , 55
kai shin - father , alive , 56
taehyung shin - brother , alive , 26

serena kim ( rika ) - even before everything happened with mint eye ,
hye was never fond of rika . she
always gave hye weird vibes and
just didn't find her enjoyable to be
around . though she felt this way ,
she was never rude towards rika ,
nor did she speak out about her
feeling towards her either .

yoosung kim - the two weren't very
close when they met , and kind of
just had awkward small talk , but
after sometime they grew closer .
hye offered to tutor him and help
him with his schoolwork , which
he always took her up on . she also
tried playin lolol once with him
but didn't find it too fun so she
hasn't really done it again . hye immediately tried to comfort and
help yoosung after rika's "death"
and has tried to be as understanding
as she can of his feelings towards
the matter even though she doesn't
think he has the most reasonable
opinions on it .

jihyun kim - she often likes to go
with him when she can to art shows
or on short trips . she loves art and
nature , so when she gets her chance
she likes to talk with him about photography and the sun and all of that .

she is the co founder of a fashion
magazine called spot on
she is also a member of the rfa

affluenza by conan gray
like that by doja cat
run the world by dayglow


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