Blood moon

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Sitting on the swing in the park, I glance over at the few people around me. My headphones blaring music, to keep my mind from him. I swing back and fourth, listening intently to the music. I sing along quietly, looking down as I see my breath. It's very cold out today, so I have on a lot of clothes. Sliding my feet across the ice on the ground, I feel someone tap my shoulder.
"Hello." He says, I don't think I know him.
"Hey?" I say as more of a question.
I watch his dark brown eyes light up a little, as he smiles down at me.
"It's so cold out, I love it!" He says enthusiastically.
"Me too." I reply quietly.
He just stares at me, and I feel my checks turn red as I look down at my converse.
"I'm sorry." He randomly says.
"What?" I ask.
"There's something wrong, isn't there?" He says and I just stare in front of me, knowing there was. After a minute of wondering what to say, I reply with "No, I'm fine." And the best smile I could fake. He looked at me like he didn't believe me, but he smiled back anyway.
His smile seemed so sincere, and sweet, it made me have butterflies.
What am I saying? He's a complete stranger, but why do I feel so safe with him, like I've known him forever?
"Do you live close by?" His voice broke me from my thoughts.
"Yeah." I lie, knowing I didn't have a ride home because my friend left me to go with her boyfriend, but I couldn't hitch a ride with a stranger, even though he made me feel safe.
"Do you need a ride? My car is just over there." He says pointing to a black Dodge Challenger.
"Nah, I'm okay." I say and I could tell he knew I was lying.
"Come on, you look cold, it's really no big deal." He smiled.
I but my lip looking down thinking if I should or not. He seems nice, and I am really cold, but what if he is a murderer?
"Well?" He said, giving me a 'come on' look.
"Fine." I say sighing, getting up and walking behind him to his car.
He opens the door for me, and I smile.
I get in and he shuts the door behind me. I breathe in warm air, and a honey scent as I buckle up. He gets into the other side, and buckles up, starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot of the park. I give him directions and watch the trees fly by as we go towards my house. After that it got silent. It was a good twenty minutes to my house from the park. We arrive at my house, and I let out a small breath because he wasn't a crazy murderer, and I was okay.
"Thanks for the ride. I didn't catch your name?" I say, standing beside the car with the door open.
"Greyson. What's yours love?" He smiles.
"Alexandria, but you can call me Alex." I laugh. "Alright Alex, see ya later?" He says. "Uh, sure." I reply, not knowing what to say. He waves bye and I do the same, shutting the car door I run over to the front door of my house, damn it's cold! I unlock the door and hurry inside, locking it behind me. I take off my jacket and shoes, and run up the stairs. I go in the bathroom and turn on the water for a hot bath. I take off my clothes and throw them to the floor, getting in the hot water. I relax as I start to think about my parents.

"Mom! Dad! I got accepted!" I excitedly yell through the house, running into their room to find no one there. "Mom? Dad? Where are you?" I ask, wondering where they are. I walk into every room, and nobody is there. I sit down on the couch thinking they must have gone to the store or something, and turn on the tv. I slowly drift off to sleep while watching spongebob.
I'm wake up and roll off the couch, and walk into the kitchen. I hear loud crying, I panic.
"Mom?!" I yell.
I run into their bedroom and see my mother on the floor sobbing, her hands covered in blood, holding my dad's neck, which has puncture wounds in the side of it. My mother looks behind me and screams, I turn around quickly and immediately wish I hadn't. There he was, blood around his mouth, fangs extended, and black eyes. He brings his fangs down onto my neck faster than I can blink, or even scream. After a few moments of him sucking my neck he bites his wrist and shoves it in my mouth, blood running down my throat. I gag, the taste is awful. But he just pushes it against my mouth harder. Finally he pulls his wrist away, and I fall to the floor. I feel darkness surrounding me, but I see my mother looking up to the man in fear, begging for her life, and he snaps her neck.
I can't scream, or cry, or move. I black out, not being able to keep myself awake.
*End of flashback*

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2014 ⏰

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