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A few years later.

With the beginning of warm sunlight streaming in through a young Nova's balcony window, the princess wakes. Her shoulders pop as she first stretches her arms out in front of her before her back does the same when she stretches it like a cat. She falls back onto her bed, turning onto her side to watch as the golden sun rises. Nova loves waking up early to catch the bright yellows, oranges, and red of the morning sky.

But today she can't lay and watch; she's got somewhere else to be. Thor promised her he'd take her down to the Observatory and allow Heimdall to open the Bifrost to the different realms. She's been waiting for something like this for years (or really ever since she found out what the Bifrost was when Volstagg slipped up).

Hurriedly and excitingly, Nova jumps up and slips her nightgown off and replaces it with a pair of beige riding pants and a dark red top. She laces up her riding boots before "brushing" her messy blonde hair. She spends a few minutes in the bathroom before glancing at herself in the mirror, sending herself a small smile, and then racing out of her room.

The halls of the palace are basically empty; the only people roaming around were servants preparing breakfast or doing some light cleaning before the day begins. "Good morning, Princess Nova," some of them greet as she rushes by. Nova manages small waves before making her way to her parents' chambers.

Sif wakes up slightly at the sound of the door slowly creaking open. She smirks knowing what's to come but waits for Nova to wake Thor up for herself. Nova quietly approaches their bed before pouncing onto Thor's back. He lets out a small humph and manages to turn his head to face his wife.

"Dad!" Nova whispers in his ear. "Daad! Come on, Dad, we gotta go. Wake up!" Sif smiles, now fully awake. She watches as Nova's small fists pound at Thor's back. "Dad? Daad. Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad--"

"Your daughter is awake. . ." Sif whispers before yawning and stretching her arms. Nova glances to her mother and smiles brightly. Sif runs her hand over Nova's bright blonde hair before cupping her cheek.

Thor groans. "Before sunrise, she's your daughter," he remarks. Sif rolls her eyes and shakes her head. Nova giggles before she goes back to pounding Thor's back.

"Dad? Daad! Come on, Dad!" She tugs at Thor's ear just a little. "Daa-- Whoa!" As Thor throws the covers off both himself and Sif, Nova gets sent to the floor. Thor smirks and turns on his side to face Sif. She raises an eyebrow. He shrugs and kisses her good morning. Nova shoots up from previously laying on the floor. "You promised!"

"Okay, okay," Thor tells her, stretching and yawning. "I'm up. I'm up." He swings his legs over the side of the bed to find Nova's bright smile. She claps her hands as he makes his way over to the wardrobe to pick out his clothes for the day.


Thor pulls a shirt out before turning and eyeing Nova. She stands there with a huge smile on her face. He gestures for her to leave while he changes. She quickly leaves the room before Thor tugs his night shirt off over his head and pulls the new one on. Sif pulls the covers back over her and curls back up in bed. Thor finds a pair of clean riding pants and tugs them on.

"I will be back shortly," he tells Sif before kissing her forehead. She smiles up at him before waving goodbye. Thor leaves the room and grabs Nova's hand before they set out for the day.

They reach the large golden doors of the palace where two horses stand waiting for their king and princess. Nova's eyes grow wide and her lips curl into a smile. She loves horseback riding but Thor and Sif don't always allow her to go by herself. Most of the time when she goes it's with either her mother or father (sometimes both). However, Seth, her cousin, gets to go horseback riding all the time with and without his father, her Uncle Loki.

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