When it all comes crashing down.

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When Tiffany Clark, Amber Gomez's ex best friend ends up dead in Amber's truck all the clues lead

to Amber and her boyfriend Jimmy. The secrets come out and consequences become deadly. In a book where anything goes, secrets come out and murder happens "it all comes crashing down"is a must read."


Chapter 1


Officer Brent shined the bright light in my face " Where were you the the night Tiffany Clark died?" This was the third time he asked me this question to today and I had the same answer. "Like I said for the millionth time today I was at my little sister's dance recital." Officer Brent just made a "tsk,tsk" sound, then sighed. "Look Amber everything points back to you and Jimmy, some how and some way Tiffany your best friend the girl you spent every second with ended up dead in the back of your pick up truck." I gulped how was I going to get out of this one.

3 Weeks Earlier

"Your such a Slut!" Tiffany screamed in my face. She was turning beet red and possibly doing everything in her power to not slap me in front of everyone. I clenched and unclenched my fist. One thing I couldn't stand was being called a slut, especially in front of the whole 11th grade student body at lunch! Tiffany started to shake and I think I did too.

"God! Amber how could you do this to me?!"

How could I do this to her? What the hell was I thinking! Honestly I didn't mean to hurt her in any way. Tiffany meant the world to me, I mean she is my best friend. God I felt like such a crappy friend doing what I did.

"Tiff I know things are messed up right now between us, but I never meant to harm you." Tiffany's intense blue eyes locked with my eyes and for a quick second I saw her smirk. I sighed maybe that was a good thing. I got closer to her , so close I could see the tear in her left eye. So close I could her rapid breathing, almost as if she was hyperventilating. Just as I was about to touch her forearm, I was slapped! It made a loud cracking sound! My head practically spun around.

"Your such a whore Amber. I mean really, you thought your shit apology was going to fix shit! You destroyed my trust and then rubbed it in my face. You disrespected me in more ways than one. I just want to strangle you but prison orange isn't my color."

Just like that Tiffany poured out all her emotions out on me, but what could I say? I just stood there holding my cheek. Tiffany stood there waiting for me to say something. What was I supposed to say that I'm so sorry I stole her boyfriend of 3 years. That I'm so sorry I went to prom with him while she was out of town. Maybe I should say sorry for sleeping with him in her car!

"I know you want me to say something super apologetic but I can't. The only thing I could say is I never meant for this to happen the way it did and I want to move past it. "

Tiffany snorted and like that she walked out the cafeteria. She left me standing there with a swollen cheek and tears in my eyes. That's when Gia Newport decided to chant slut and within seconds the whole cafeteria. Was doing it. "Slut! Slut! Amber is a Slut! Slut! Slut!" I ran right out of there and headed straight for the parking lot. I hopped in my truck and just cried and cried.


I was hung over from that party at Amber's last night and my memory if anything was fuzzy. The only thing I could remember was Tiffany walking in on me and Amber doing the nasty in her brand new BMW. There was a lot of screaming involved and a drink was thrown from God knows where. I went to my locker and saw my boy (slang for friend)Jeff at his locker.

"Yo Jeff. What's going on?" Jeff turned his face to me and shot me a "you fucked up bad" look. I sighed I knew I messed up but for Jeff to say it , it had to be horrible. "Dude what did I do?" Again Jeff made a face. This one however was one I wan't to familiar with. Jeff's intense hazel eyes were on me and he looked both disgusted and humiliated.

"God you don't even remember! Let me fill you in then Jimmy. You broke up with Tiffany in the middle of the party. Then you slept with her best friend of 11 years inside her car! Which I got to admit man is low and down right dirty. Plus to make matters worse after Tiffany caught you and Amber together,you poured her drink on top of her head. Oh and you dry heaved all over Tiffany , me, and worse my girlfriend!'

I couldn't believe it I mean I was know to get a little wild at parties but what Jeff just told me was crazy! I chuckled there was no way on God's earth I did something like that. Jeff was being a drama queen like always he probably added some things to make me feel bad. "Come on Jeffery that can't all be true. I mean I remember getting caught with Amber and breaking Tiff's heart, but no way did I spill a drink on her or dry heave on 3 people." I laughed out loud "Jeff your crazy man." Yet again Jeff gave me a look something I never received but saw people receive over the years. It was that "we are no longer friends so Fuck off" look. It was that look he gave Ted Macon when he cracked about people with cancer. At the time Jeff 's dad was battling lung cancer and even though Jeff 's dad lived Ted received the face. Now unexpectedly Jeffery Dockers was giving me the same face.

"Is that the face I think it is?" Jeff just nodded his head. I'm not going to lie that hurt. It's not that I'm some wuss or something if anything I'm the complete opposite, but after my mom died this year I need all the friends I can get.

"Jeff that's cold bro. I thought we had each other's back!" He snorted and as cold as ice said "Well I'm done babysitting you. Last thing I need is to watch over a stupid jock with no morals. Your disgusting how you treat people and I'm sick of it." I was utterly in shock usually Jeff the quiet, church going, & "all around good-guy" would never be so rude especially to me.

"Look Jimmy you want to hurt girl's feelings and act crazy that's fine just leave me out of it!"

I was so pissed at him how could he be such a bastard ! "You know what your a piece a shit man!" Jeff just looked at me and said "whatever man. Oh by the way you already missed 5 periods of school and lunch just go home and be a drop out like your dad was."

I couldn't hold the anger anymore. Jeff of all people knew when it came to my dad I had a soft spot for him. Jeff knew me long enough to know i don't allow anything bad to be said about him. I love my dad and the fact that he was disrespected by some by some asshole was not okay. So I punched him and just like that he was out cold. Students began to stop and stare but I just walked out the building. I was going home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2013 ⏰

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