4. Coffee and Cars

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Jord was early to work the following day, and expected to have to open up the cafe on her own, so she was surprised to see the door unlocked, and a bustling and chatter emanating from the already warm kitchen. The Australian took off her coat and hung it on the peg, switching it for her apron, before wandering in to see what all the commotion was about. Lia was there, working on what looked like a batch of breakfast muffins with a brunette that Jordyn had never seen before. She felt her heart rate pick up a little, and tried to breathe evenly to slow it down. Meeting new people with whom she wanted to make a good impression was always a struggle for her.

"Oh hey Jord," said Lia, seeing her friend come in. "This is Alicia, she's our new chef, baker, whatever you want to call her."

"Ally works too," The brunette chuckled, turning to look at Jordyn. "Hey, Jordyn, right? It's nice to meet you."

"You too," Jordyn nodded, with a small wave. "Lia told me we hired you, trust me, we really needed the help."

"So I've heard," nodded Ally. "Well I can take orders and wait tables if you need me to, when I'm not baking, so let me know if you need help."

"Will do," Jordyn smiled, feeling herself relax somewhat. "Thanks."

"Baking stuff here ourselves means we can charge a little bit more for the food, since it's better quality," said Lia. "Plus it will pay for Ally, so she can help us."

"So you're earning your keep and some?" Jordyn asked.

"Pretty much," Alicia chuckled at the Australian.

"Also we set everything up already this morning," Lia smirked. "So like... you're welcome."

Jordyn laughed.

"Yeah, thank you," she smiled, heading over to the sink to wash her hands. "It was nice to walk into a warm cafe this morning. You two up for coffee or something?"

"Yeah neither of us can work your crazy machine," Ally chuckled. "So yeah coffee please, that would be great."

"How strong?"

"How strong can you make it?"

Jordyn turned to look at her in surprise.

"Wow, didn't take you for an extra strong coffee type," she said. "I had you pegged as a cappuccino."

"Yeah she judges you based on how you take your coffee," Lia smirked. "The other day some guy came in and asked for a white hot chocolate, and now she's like in love with him."

"And now tell her what actually happened, Li," Jordyn laughed. "I swear Ally, don't listen to a word she says, ninety percent of it is rubbish."

"It's okay, I've already heard all about your super famous footballer crush," Ally was already teasing her, and perhaps that was a good sign, Jordyn thought. She mentally thanked Lia for making it so easy for her to be comfortable with new people.

"Of course you know football," sighed Jordyn. "Everyone here knows football."

"Alicia's a Liverpool fan," said Lia, pretending to gag, at which the brunette batted her on the arm. "Do you know where Liverpool is, Jordyn?"

"Of course I do," Jordyn retorted. "It's north, isn't it?"

"Well that's a start," Lia giggled.

"Is it near Scotland?"

"I mean, compared to Australia, yes it's near Scotland," Alicia laughed.

"Guys come on," Jordyn complained, but she was smiling. "What's the big deal with Liverpool? Are they Arsenal's rivals or something?"

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