Chapter 31

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Before I knew it, Victor's birthday was once more upon us and it was the big one. Twenty-one. He refused a party, but he accepted all of us going down to Firestone and getting a VIP area, and buying a bottle. We had all agreed to go dressed in white.

I had tried my very best to remain calm and normal around him, make sure he didn't suspect anything but each time he touched me or smiled at me a part of me melted into a puddle. Each time he did something nice or touching I fell more and more in love with him until I was sure I stared at him like a besotted fool.

One time he opened the door for me, and I stared at him with this ridiculous smile on my face until he asked me if I was alright. I had to twist myself into a knot stuttering that I had read a romantic book and I was still on that high. (A complete lie, ever since Professor Allens had made me read classics I found romance novels predictable and annoying. I hoped I grew out of that phase, I hoped that one day I could enjoy romance novels after the mess of college existentialism was over.)

"You want us to pick you up?" Jon asked me as he stood next to Victor.

"Um, I'll probably bring Yara if that's OK," I said.

Victor shrugged. "Sure."

"OK, I'll stop and get you first," Jon pointed to Victor. "And then we'll get the girls."

That was the plan so Yara agreed to spend the night and we got ready like we always did, my room became a mess of curling irons, lipstick, and spandex skirts.

"I think you should tell him tonight." Yara helped me tie my halter top as tight as possible making my boobs create great cleavage.

"I don't want to ruin his night."

My stomach was in knots. I wanted to dance with Victor but I was petrified of dancing with Victor but at the same time, I felt sick at the thought of him dancing with other girls. Or worse, leaving home with another girl! Ugh!

"You won't!"

Yara handed me a tube of red lipstick with a pointed look. She looked amazing. Her skin had already gathered her tanned summer look and it popped against her strapless white dress. She was going to garner attention by the buckets tonight with her nicely shaped butt showcased to perfection.

"Just casually press yourself against him," Yara added another coat of mascara. "Kiss him and then take it from there. You have to make a move."

I rather drink acid, but I wasn't going to share that with her. By the time I had liberally spritzed my wrists with perfume Jon was honking. Yara grabbed the bottle of perfume from me and coated my cleavage with it as I gasped. She gave me a sly smile and then we rushed downstairs. Jon started wolf-whistling when we walked to the car which prompted Yara to flick him off and made him laugh uproariously. Victor was sitting in the passenger seat, staring at us and he looked fabulous in a white ensemble, his collar opened and his gold saint chain glinting at us. I could tell he'd already had a few shots; his eyes were as lazy as his grin.

"Happy birthday, Manning!" Yara slid into the back seat.

"Thank you."

"Yes, how does it feel to be twenty-one?" I asked.

"Like it did when I was twenty," he smiled over his seat at me.

"That bad?" I smiled back.

"Hoping for the best," he said and turned to the road as Jon pulled out.

Then Santana's guitar filled Jon's speakers and we relaxed to the beat as Jon got on I-4. There was a vibe that night, a relaxed one filled with possibility and, occasionally, Victor caught me staring at him.

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