Think I'll miss you forever
Like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky
~Summertime Sadness, Lana Del Rey
━━"Why did you refuse to the treatment?" He asked Jina.
"There's no point to it." She sighed.
"Why Jina." He asked again, this time he was agitated and annoyed. He only wanted to keep Jina alive even if there was just a slightest ray of hope visible.
"It hurts me Taeyong, mentally and physically. The pain, I don't want to spend my last days with that pain lingering in my body." She said remorsefully.
"Jina it will keep you alive." He tried convincing her.
"It won't!" Jina yelled which she instantly regretted. Her gaze softened at Taeyong as she went and sat next to him, held his hand and rubbed small circles on it.
"Taeyong, it might keep me alive but eventually I have to give in. The treatment will just postpone the due date." She chuckled at the last line. Humour again. "What was to happen today would just happen tomorrow."
To Taeyong,
The treatment requires complete isolation Taeyong, which means I won't be able to see you.
And no matter how much ever I want to keep you away from me, you're like that flame which attracts me as the moth. I can't resist you.

𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 | 𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐠
أدب الهواة"Kiss my wounds but not forever." A Taeyong Epistolary. This book is partly inspired by the song Summer by Keshi.