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You are now privately messaging user 'kim134340'

Namjoon, hey.\(●~▽~●)

It's me, Kim Seokjin from maths class!😊

yeah, i don't know who the fuck you are

Oh, wow.. You replied back almost instantly!

Caught me off guard a little! Wasn't entirely expecting that, haha. 😱😰😂

how did you find my account

'🐹' renamed user 'kim134340' as 'namjoon:)'

I asked a friend for it. I hope it's not a problem??? :3

yeah, it is a problem

stop messaging me, prick

Haha, no worries! I'm very out of your league, aren't I? Lol.🤣🤣

Right, sorry.

I presume I'll see you later in class then?? ★~(◠︿◕✿)
read, 11:57 AM

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