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As per usual, Seokjin was the the first to arrive at class. He observed calmly as the silence in the once tranquil classroom had ultimately been intervened with, and instead accompanied by the laughter and gossip from the other pupils.

He watched blandly, the beautiful girls, the attractive boys, the breathtaking prince, the-

Wait. Prince?

Almost instantly, it felt as though the entire world had just stopped. He had to blink at a rapid pace to persuade himself that the very sight before his eyes wasn't an illusion.

He could feel his heartbeat virtually pounding against his chest, demanding for liberation. He was almost certain that if anyone got close enough they'd feel it too.

He let out a melodious sigh he didn't even know he was holding, gazing in sheer devastation at the potential love of his life in his princely attire.

Kim Namjoon had sported a white turtleneck accompanied by a grey sweater, all of which contrasted gorgeously against his brown overcoat - and of course Namjoon's signature black ripped jeans that always hugged around his huge thighs and calves perfectly.

Kim Namjoon, the only man who is ever able to leave Seokjin in such a daze.

Kim Namjoon, the man who has jaws plummeting and heads twisting solely upon his arrival.

Like, you know, that guy. No biggie.

As suspected, the classroom went entirely soundless for approximately 4 seconds, everyone psychologically taking a mental picture of Namjoon's boyfriend look in their pea-sized brains, before then reverting to their initial state.

Kim Seokjin, however, was still in awe over the fact that such an inadequate, inferior guy such as himself had actually conversed with him - although only over text.

It's not as if he's objecting, though. Even if he isn't deserving of inhaling the same air as Namjoon, and even if Namjoon practically loathes him- it's all progress, he's sure of it. (At least, that's what he tells himself.)

He's just anticipating the time wherein he can finally unlock the 'close friend' level.

And hopefully.. perhaps something more?

Subsequently, the most vexatious, piercing voice intruded Seokjin's thought process. He didn't have to turn his head, for that voice was addressing Namjoon. His Namjoon.

His jaw was tensed tightly and his fist was clenched, nails drilling harshly into his palm before he could even perceive the situation.

He was so not a fan of the way she had her claws all over him, clinging onto him for dear life. Even the most clueless of people could notice the anger in Namjoon's orbs as he attempted to jostle her off, but to no avail.

With no thought put into it, Seokjin darted up from his chair, not failing to attract attention as he made his way over to Namjoon. His head was pounding, telling him to turn back, but instead he simply pushed himself to walk towards them and swallowed down his anxiety.

"Darling~ don't play hard to get with me." Seokjin internally cringed, overhearing her artificial giggles as he neared, following the way her eyelashes almost fell off as she batted her eyes at him.

Namjoon grumbled, staring at Eunbi with a murderous gaze.


Promptly, both pair's of eyes (adding to the other 20 that already were) spontaneously darted towards Seokjin's direction, making him shrink inwardly at the powerful gaze of Kim Namjoon (and literally everyone else but, whatever, they're irrelevant) as he felt the intensity of the situation finally come crashing down on him.

Eunbi stared at him with widened eyes, before her expression turned into that of a scowl. "What did you just say to me, cunt?"

Seokjin rubbed the back of his neck in panic. "Um, I- I meant to say that I'm sorry to disrupt, but I could recognise from my seat.. which is.. you know, over there.." he gestured to his seat sheepishly, "that uh, Namjoon was clearly....uncomfortable with the way you're treating him." he squeaked.

One of her eyebrows went up. "Well, he obviously didn't find it uncomforting, or he would've told me. Isn't that right, darling?"

All gazes shifted to Namjoon,

— Who said absolutely nothing as he sat there with one eyebrow raised.

Seokjin gulped.

"That's what I thought." She said abruptly, "How dare you have the audacity to approach me like this, and challenge me?"

"I-I'm sorry, it's just-"

"I'll take it from here." The teacher declared, finally deciding to grace us with her presence. Seokjin gasped in relief and wordlessly thanked the teacher. "Eunbi and Seokjin, please go to your seats."

He bowed at the teacher, noticing Eunbi roll her eyes and collapse into her seat furiously. She glared at him, taking her index finger and pointing it towards his head, before dragging it across her own neck.

Seokjin sighed, turning his gaze back to the teacher. Guess he's going to die then.

He did his best to mask his fear with his usual bland facial expression, distracting himself from what's going to occur after class - for her brother isn't exactly the most lenient of people.

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