Bryan had received a call from his friend, she was asking if he could stop by the hospital to help her with something, which he glady agreed to do as he as he wanted to get away from the Theme Park for a good while.
Only... Bryan had no idea him and...
I parked my car and jumped out, closed the door and ran inside to see Bunny waving at me, "Bunny!", I ran up to her as she opened her arms for an embrace, "Bryan! I missed you so much!!!", I smiled and hugged her back, "So, what can I do to help you with?", she smiled nervously, "Well~", she leads me in and I couldn't help shuttered at the patients waiting, "The three main doctors, have personally asked me to clear up the files, and I wouldn't mind if I had a bit of hand...", I nod. As she lead me down the hall, a pale faced doctor with brown hair nearly bashed into us, "Oh!", he dropped his files and quickly picks them up, "I-I'm, so sorry!", he nods as Bunny smiled, "It's alright, Tylor.", he nods and continues down the hall. I looked at Bunny, "Oh, he's Tylor, he's one of the main three doctors. He's quiet, keeps to himself, but he's more open to Zach or Barry.", as we approached the door. . . Bunny froze. . .
Bunny's POV~
I looked at the door. The lock was completely bashed in, "Bunny?", "The lock...", Bryan noticed it to. . . We both shared a worried look as I turned the handle, "Who's...", the room was completely dark, I reached into the room and flicked the lights on. . .
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I stare at the sight... Bryan was just as shocked as me, "Holy... Did a hurricane come in here...?", I looked at all the files that were now scattered all over the floor, I walked forward and started to look around the mess of the files, "I think someone was looking for something... Or...", I sigh, "There's no way, these files aren't worth anything at all so, there would be no reason for anyone to steal any of our files.", I started to pick up paper after paper as Bryan also helped me. . . As I picked up three files, I heard Bryan him, I turned around and saw Bryan holding a file," What is it? ", he looked up and sighed," It's an Afton file. The youngest. ", I nod," I've heard rumours about him and the kid in the hospital. I feel so bad for William and his wife.", he nods. . . Suddenly he frowned, "Um, Bunny?", I look up, "Hmm?", he pointed at the file, "How come there's no death certificate?", I frown as confusion tugged my heart, "M-Maybe, it got lost within here...", he shook his head, "No... That can't be... Everything in here has been clipped in here...", I walked over and looked over his arm, "See? No certificate nor does the file have the kids name.", I looked up at Bryan and he had a look I could never read, but I knew that he was now interested. Bryan went into the remaining pile and searched through the files for anything else. As we dug through," Aha!!", I looked up and saw Bryan holding a file, but with Michael Afton on it, "Bunny, I made need to borrow those files.", I smiled and I knew that he was looking forward to this. . .
C. Baby's POV~
I peaked out of the window and saw Bryan coming out, he was holding two files to his chest and was waving to a beautiful haired woman, as he was getting close I ducked back down! I heard him open the car, I looked up and saw him throw the files in the seat next to him and he started to the engine. . . I made sure he couldn't see me even with the rear mirror. . .