Bryan had received a call from his friend, she was asking if he could stop by the hospital to help her with something, which he glady agreed to do as he as he wanted to get away from the Theme Park for a good while.
Only... Bryan had no idea him and...
I woke up in my new room, I sat up with a smile, I now know that Bryan won't be alone! I jump out of my bed and ran downstairs...
I peaked into the kitchen to see Bryan sitting down at the table with a cup of coffee, I jumped up on the chair next to him, "Morning!", Bryan looks up and smiles, "Morning, Elizabeth!", he sipped his coffee, "So... When you resign from the business... What's your plan then?", he smiled, "Well, I'm going to go work with my friends.", I hummed, "Continue?", he smiled, "Maybe even find a new job, and yeah.", I decided to ask something else, "Do you have anyone in interest?~", he nearly choked on his coffee in shock, "N-No...", I ohhed...
He flipped through the paperwork of resigning and turned to me, I'm not gonna abandon you all just yet... ", I smiled sadly," Elizabeth... I need to show you something important... ", I nod as we both got up and he lead me to his reading room, he lifted the carpet rug and... A TRAP DOOR?! He opened it and smiled," Come on, Elizabeth... I promise you that this will be explained... ", I nod and jump in...
Bryan's POV~
I knocked the door in a certain way, "Bryan!", Kat hugged me, "Jon told us everything!", I sighed, "It's OK...We'll be here for you...", I nod as she looked at Elizabeth, "Who's this?", I smiled, "This is Elizabeth Afton.", she waved, "Hi!", Kat smiled, "Come on in then...", she lead us inside...
Bunny and Davis were cool about Elizabeth joining us as she could know something, "So, what's up?", I knelt down and started to explain everything that had happened at the hospital and everything we found out...
Elizabeth was now jumping up a d down with joy!! She was hugging us all, "You guys are the best!!!", she smiled at us, "You're really going to get my family back?", I nod and she was now very giddy, "YEEEEE!!!!!", Bunny smiled, "And... W may have a reason to why Mr Afton is the way he is.", we all turned to Bunny, "I went through his family history and found a lot about his parents, like his mother had died of a heart attack at the age of 4 and his father had been arrested for child abuse at the age of 16.", Elizabeth gasped, "That's around the time he meet mom!", I nod, "Alright... What's his father's name?", "Vincent Afton.", Bunny put his picture up on the board as he was now a prime suspect...
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I hum, "I think our best bet is to interview him... Has escaped prison or been released?", Davis shook his head, "There have been many attempts, but they all just doubled his sentence until he got life in prison...", Elizabeth held her hand up, "Oh. Oh! I know which prison he's in!", I smiled, "Thank you Elizabeth...", Blake smiled as she came in from the room were William was attached to many machines to keep him alive,"You know, Elizabeth? While Davis and Bryan go visit this bad man, why don't you be me, Bunny and Kat's special helper?", she smiled, "Yay!!", Davis nods, "Alrighty then! Bryan! Let's go visit the mad man!", I smiled as we left... I hope the others are happy now...