Chapter 24

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We walked inside the hospital to see, Dr Ayat pushing grandma's structure with some ward boy and nurses we rushed towards them.

"Arunama aunt Shiri finally agreed for the operation. This was just a small attack. So don't worry, but we are keeping her in the emergency room," He said.

"Thank god, but did this stubborn woman agree," I asked and thought.

"Ah, that..." He stammered before saying something, but he was disturbed by a nurse.

"Dr Ayat, a patient wants to talk with her granddaughter," She said.

"She has gained consciousness?" I asked.

"Yes, in the ambulance she gained consciousness but fainted again" He replied

"She is asking for me, can I meet her?" I asked.

"Yes, we will give you sterile clothes, so that won't affect," He said

"OK," I said as I didn't know what else to say

"Nurse, give her emergency room clothes, Arunama please follow her," He said to both of us

I followed her, she walked towards a room. Which had a glass door, and we entered the room. She gave me a blue colour gown to wear. Then matching mouth mask and a cap.

"Please follow me," She said

After I changed the gown and wore a cap and mask. I followed her and we went back to the emergency room. It had a glass door to, but it was not see through it. I entered to see grandma lying on the hospital bed with machines attached to her. I went towards and stand near her bed, she opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Grandma, Dr Ayta, said you agreed for operation. Is it true?" I asked

"Yes, but I have taken a promise from him and I want you to fulfil that promise too," She said

"What is it, grandma? You know I never said no to you till today" I said

"I know, but I wished you have rejected that day," She said

"Grandma what shall I do to make you believe it was not your fault," I said holding her which didn't have IV attached

"Then agree to marry Ayat," She said

"Grandma, what are you saying?" I asked shockingly

"I saw how he brought you out of your shell and broke the shield you build after what happened," She said

"Grandma, you know it's not possible," I said

"It is," She said

"Grandma he maybe already married," I tried to bring any possible reason to make her understand

"No he is not, and he agreed already, now it's your turn..." She started to get hyper

"Dr Ayat nurse come fast" I shouted

"Aru make the promise, it .....m....y w...i..s...h" She stammered

"Grandma please wait for Doctor Ayat will be here," She said

"Aru pro.." She tried saying something again

"I agree, I agree OK now please don't try to speak," I said while nurses were trying to stable her

"Miss please go out," One of the nurses said

"But" I tried saying something but suddenly a loud noise came from heart monitor that was connected to grandma and the heartbeat showing line went straight

Doctor Ayat did many things, giving CPR, shocks but grandma didn't respond. No no, she will respond, don't lose hope Aru she will get up.

"Arunama," Doctor Ayat said

"Doctor Ayat try to save her," I said

"I am sorry," He said

No no no, she can't leave me, no she won't leave me alone. Noooooo

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