chapter 2

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When I wake up, I see my mother reading a book and my father asleep beside me. My mother looks up, and smiles.
"Your father is so very proud of you for that. I had to smack the smirk off his face." She giggles. I laugh with her.
"That really did scare him though. He was so scared that Daniel was going to hurt you. He told me that one time Daniel tried to strangle uncle leo." She sighs.
"Mom, I have to pee." I whisper. She giggles, and helps me out of bed.
"Want me to go in with you?" She asks me.
"No, but can you wait by the door?" She nods, and I limp inside. After I do my business and wash my hands, I walk out with a grin.
"That was my first time in my new gender!" I tell her excitedly. She smiles, and hugs me.
"I'm so proud of you." She whispers.
"How's your wardrobe? What are the things you like doing?" She asks me.
"I still like shopping, doing my makeup, and painting my nails." I tell her, smiling.
"But I'm also going to try out some boy things with dad. I think he was a bit scared to do anything with me before I changed. Maybe he'll teach me how to play guitar!" I gasp. She smiles.
"I don't know. But good luck in trying." She laughs
As I arrive at home, I remember it's saterday. I dash up to my dad.
"Dad! Let's go do the thing! With my room!" I grin. He laughs, and nods. We slip our shoes on and head to his truck. We head to a hardware store, and pick out a paint color for my room. We also buy new furniture. On the drive back, he goes silent.
"What's on your mind?" I ask him.
"How do you feel about a brother or a sister?" He asks, leaning his head on his arm.
"Oh my God did you get mom pregnant?" I gasp, excited.
"We dont know yet, but we think so, yes." He sighs.
"That's exciting!" I tell him, grinning.
He smiles, and we enjoy the rest of the ride in happy conversation. Hours later we finish my room. I hang up and put away all my clothes, while my father sits in my beanbag chair, putting together a desk for me. Once he finishes, he stretches.
"I'll be in the music room if you need me. I think mom is in the art room. Uncle Leo is passed out on the couch, so if you want to watch tv or play video games, just sit on him or kick him off the couch." He yawns. I nod and quickly put my cloths away. I sneak downstairs, peaking into the music room. I see my father tuning his old guitar, and when he finishes, he starts playing a familiar tune. He starts singing along and seems to get lost in it. Soon the song changes to the song he used to sing to me as a small child. I creep into the room, and sit next to him, unnoticed.
"Can you teach me how to play guitar?" I ask. He jumps, finally noticing me beside him.
"Please? We don't get to do much together." I beg. He sighs.
"Welp, I was going to wait until your birthday-" he starts.
"No! I can wait, just promise me you will start teaching me." I blurt eagerly.
"Alright, alright. Next week, Sunday I'll start teaching you how to play guitar." He promises. He sighs again and stands up.
"I've got to go to work now. It's just a check in, so I'm sure you could come if you want, you would just need to wear something formal." He stretches.
"Alright I go get something on right now!" I gasp, dashing down the hall to my room. I pull on some dress pants, and and a button up, long sleeve shirt. I grab my dress shoes, and a tie. I run to my dad's room, and find him tying his tie perfectly, but doesn't tighten it all the way up to his neck. I quickly remember his trauma triggers. I shove it out of my mind and step into the room.
"Teach me how to do that!" I gasp, startling him. He sighs, and walks up to me. he lifts up the collar on my shirt, and quickly ties it, then pulls it tight, flipping down my collar again.
"Is that too tight?" He asks, and I shake my head. We slip on our shoes and head to the truck yet again. The sun sets slowly, and we drive down the quiet roads into the city. We park in dad's spot, and he gives me a few tips.
"You shouldn't have to talk to anyone, but always introduce yourself first, that way you get their name without having to ask. An example would be 'good afternoon, I'm Mr. Pines, son of Ian Pines' business people like to try and intimidate people, so it's ok to use my name to basically tell them to fuck off. I am the CEO after all. Someday, only if you want to, you will inherent the whole Pines business. If you do want to take up the business, you can train here anytime, but I won't force you." He rambles on. I smile, enjoying the bonding time. We walk into the building, and my father's dorky side dissappears. Instead it's replaced with a commanding leader. An older woman walks along side my father.
"Can I get a quick update, Mrs. Smith?" He asks.
"The business meeting that was supposed to happen today was canceled due to the fires in california. An idol is in the process of trying to quit. The media department lost half of their servers due to a hacker." She says quickly. The lady notices me and her face brightens.
"Oh my, is this Jacob?! Isaac was so excited to tell me about how happy you looked when you got home." She squeals.
"Oh, jacob, this is uncle Isaacs mom." Dad smiles. We walk to a large room filled with cameras and models. Some of them naked. My father cups his hands to his mouth.
"Hey debbie, com here for a second!" He calls. A plump woman with purple hair, in tight cloths.
"Ian, I need help! Madam wants to quit!" The woman wails.
"Alright, alright where is the lady?" He sighs. Debbie gestures for us to follow. She leads up to a room filled with makeup artists trying to persuade a tall red haired woman to get ready. She sees Ian and gasps.
"Thank God your here! Get them to change the design on these outfits! I will not wear them again!" She snaps.
"But madam, you must! We don't have another one ready!" Debbie pleads. I stare at the clothes while they continue to argue. My father watches me dig through the rack, until I pull out a leather jacket, some salmon colored high waisted pants, and a grey shirt with a decorative roses and a  cow skull on the front. I pull out some black ankle stilletos. I realise my dad is watching me curiously.  He doesn't scold me for touching things that don't belong to me, but Instead he glances between the clothes I picked out, and the furious model. He gestures for me to try it out.
"Um, excuse me." I squeak out. Nobody hears me.
"Try again, but this time, make them hear you." He smiles.
"Excuse me!" I say louder this time. Debbie turns to me, and the model gasps at what I'm wearing.
"Yes, I will wear this! You don't even have to ask!" She smiles. She disappears behind a curtain and comes out in the outfit. Debbie tries to adjust it, but I stop her.
"Madam, can I make a small adjustment? I want consent to touch you." I say awkwardly. The tall redhead nods. I step forward nervously. I gently tuck in one side of the shirt to give it a ruffled look. I fold up the hems of her pants. I gesture for her to bend down, and she leans down just enough for me to reach the top of her head. I ruffle her hair, flipping it off to one side. The hair artists gasp. I also lick one of my thumbs and smear her makeup just a tad bit. The makeup artists wail. Debbie glances at me. Madam looks in the mirror and cheers excitedly.
"I like this look! How did you come up with it? What's it's name?" She asks me.
"Well, I've seen your magazines before, on my dad's coffee table, and I've read that the new line that was coming out was supposed to be teen styles. Teens don't dress up classy unless they are going to like a school dance or something. I was just looking for something that fit your look. And um, I'll call it......a date at the mall?" I ramble nervously, playing with the ring on my finger. My dad ruffles my hair.
"Nice job. You've always had a great sense of style, though. You get that from mom." He laughs. Madam frowns.
"How will I know what I should wear next shoot?" She asks me. I pull out my phone.
"Do you have instagram? Or Pinterest?" I ask her. She nods and pulls out her phone. She shows me her private Instagram page. I follow her, and show her a few outfit idea profiles." She gasps as she scrolls through them.
"That's where i get my ideas." I tell her. She hugs me goodbye, and I follow my father and Mrs. Smith out of the media department. On our way out, we see a nude model getting in front of the camera for what seems like the first time. I blush furiously, but my father seems to be calm and collected. He shouts out a bit of encouragment. My dad laughs.
"Oh, those were the good old days." He chuckles.
"What's so funny?" I ask.
"In college, for a part time job, I was a nude model in one of your mom's classes. She was the only thing keeping me in that class." He laughs again.
"How did you meet mom?" I ask.
"In highschool I was at the top of class for everything. Nobody could beat me. My teachers hated me, and everyone thought I was the schools gang leader or something. It was pretty funny actually." He chuckles.
"One of my teachers hated me so much, that he actually tried to flunk me. He gave me a failing grade, and my favorite teacher, Mrs. Jones, sent me a tutor. She made sure to send someone who was as stubborn, honest and as kind as I was at the time. I remember she showed up fully ready to tutor me, even though she knew I was the smartest guy in school. I admit, i was a bit blown away by the fact that she walked right up to me." He reminiscences.
"She slowly figured out that something was wrong with me and my family. I know that I definitely fell for her hard, and according to mom, it was the same way for her. She wasn't even bothered by my random panic attacks and weird sense of humor. Eventually she witnessed me at my worse, and she helped me through it. I remember grandma came back home for a few weeks and they became like best friends. After my mom had to go home, every single employee signed something, and the government was forced to fire daniel. The morning he was fired, he showed up at my house. You know how mom isn't a morning person?" He asks me, amusement dancing in his eyes. I nod.
"Well, mom was fed up with it. Aunty Naomi was having problems, we had to go to school, she hadn't even had her chocolate chip frappe yet, and she wasn't having any of it. She grabbed Daniel by the throat and called him a piece of goose shit. I remember that she was so angry, that I don't doubt that it was the need for coffee that kept her from strangling him right there." My father let's out a hearty laugh.

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