chapter 6

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Jacob POV.
"Time to get up, child of mine." My father says, my bedroom door opening. I groan and roll out of bed.
"Oi, fuck off!" I growl, standing up. I slip on some clothes, not even bothering to fix my bed head. I push past my laughing father, and join my mother in the kitchen. Felix yawns next to me. My mother walks out of my parents room yawning. My father stands in the kitchen, leaning against the counter. She pats his shoulder.
"Move it McHotStuff, I need my morning liquid punch in the face. Jacob looks like he needs his too" She snaps.
"Jacob, go clean up." She tells me, raking her eyes over the messy black curls that sprout all over my head.
"No, fuck off." I snap, snatching a waffle out of my fathers hand.
"Language." She snaps back.
"No, go choke on dad's cock." I snarl, getting up to comb my hair. My father chokes on his drink and starts laughing. She huffs, knowing she won't get anywhere,and grabs a coffee cup and fills it with coffee, creamer, and sugar. I return to my room and grab a comb, gently teasing out the curls. Getting frustrated, I groan.
"Dad come help me tame the dumb hair you gave me!" I yell. My father walks into my room chuckling. He grabs the comb and slides his finger into my hair, gently combing the tips. Soon he's able to comb out my whole head of hair. My jet black curls are neatly tossed to one side, no longer drooping over the shaved back and sides of my head.
"Thanks." I grumble.
"No problem. While you did get you hair from me, you've got your mother's curls, which only make it worse." He grunt, setting my comb down. He glances at me and gently pokes my chin.
"Your breaking out again, you might want to wash your face." He suggests.
"Alright. Can you get me a cup of coffee while I go do that?" I ask, grabbing my facial scrub. He returns to the kitchen, and I join them in a few minutes. I find Felix eating a plate of syrup cover waffles, while a plate of plain waffles sits in an empty spot. I pick up a waffle and tear off a little piece. I pour a small glop of syrup on an empty spot on my plate, dipping the waffle in it. Felix looks at me with a raised eyebrow. My dad laughs.
"He doesn't like the stickiness of the syrup. He refuses to eat them any other way." He smiles, handing me a cup of coffee. I drink it gratefully, letting the warm drink warm me up. Energy flows through my veins.
"Alright, let's go kick ass and get good grades." I clap my hands together after putting my plate in the sink.
"Alright then. Grab your book bags and put your shoes on. Let's go!" My dad tells us, answering a call on his phone. Uncle Leo busts down the stairs, and slips on his shoes.
"I got called to ER, one of Ian's models got pushed off the stage." He tells us, darting out the door. Ian sighs as he talks on the phone.
"Yeah, yeah, I just heard. I'll be over there in 45 minutes give or take." My father say, hanging up.
"Alright teens, we gotta hurry because I just got enough work to make me cry, let's scoot." He tells us,shooing us out the door and to the truck. He pulls out of the driveway and heads toward the school. He parks the truck and head inside with us.
"Why are you coming in with us?" I ask.
"I'm doing the beginning of the year speech,. They want me to talk for a while and tell you guys my life story or whatever. Something about it being an honor. Daniel did it. His father did it. And so on. Shits tradition." He grunts. I giggle. Felix looks between us, completely confused.
"I thought you hated daniel." I say, confused. My dad shrugs.
"He wasn't always an evil scary dude, you know. He used to be very kind, and very gentle. He just..... He didn't do very good things, and those things made him do even worse things." My father shrugs.
"I'm not sure why I'm doing it. The principal called and asked if I was interested, and at first I was going to say no, but then your mom stepped in and told me to do it, so I'm here I guess." He laughs. I smile, and he leads us to a huge gymnasium. Felix and I sit down together, while my father walks up to the stage and greets an older, average height man, with a balding head, and wider hips. They talk for a while, then shake hands. He hands my father a piece of paper, and my father pulls out a pen and says something. The older man nods and says something back.
"Do you know what their talking about?" Felix asks me.
"My dad wants to make edits to the paper. I don't know what the other dude is saying." I say. Felix raises an eyebrow as my dad starts scribbling on the paper. He walks over to us and squats down next to us.
"This is going to be horrible. And I thought you should know that the school knows me, so they are definitely going to know you. The principal already knows that you will fight back, so don't bother worrying about getting in trouble. Mrs. Jones is looking out for you." He tells me. Other students start filing in the room, and the principal takes to the podium. He drones on , telling us rules and regulations, until it's time for my father to take the stage.
"Let us welcome, Mr. Ian pines, our guest speaker. My dad step s up to the podium and fiddles with the price of paper in his hand, folding it as he talks.
"As many of of your parents have probably told you, I was a delinquint. My father was an asshole, and my mother was no where to be found. Let me tell you, Rumors are a beautiful thing. I did not steal anyone's underwear. That was Leo Hernandez, not me. That asshole." My father chuckle, and a few people laugh, hearing the stories of my father and his friends from teachers and their parents. The principal, Mr, Roberts, steps up to the podium and trys to take the mic away from my father.
"Um, excUSE me?! How dare? No cap, I finna clap your ass." Ian puts a hand on his hip and raises an eyebrow, giving off as much sass as possible. A wave of laughter flows through the crowd. I break down into giggles, while Felix shakes with silent laughter.
"Now now, mr. Roberts. These guys are teens now, not kids. Let me talk so I can go to work and run my business. Mkay, thanks hun." My father says as Mr. Roberts scowls and backs away.
"Now, as I was saying before Karen interrupted me. I was invited here to talk to you guys and encourage you to be perfect students, to say 'do your best', to make school seem like a magical place. My father did that, but I will not. Reality is, school fucking sucks ass. Unless you actually enjoy it, then props to you, but I'm guessing the majority don't want to be here. You guys are amazing, and can achieve what you want. I really mean that." My father say, smiling.
"Now, if you want to make trouble and be all cool and edgy, just please make sure to think about how it affects others. I remember in high school, there was this one guy, and he was bullying another guy, let's call him David. the David and his family were struggling financially, and he starved himself because he felt bad for using his lunch money when it could easily be spent on other, more needed things. The guy decided to eat one day, and the first guy decided to take his food from him, and smash it." My father says. One guy in the audience stands up and yells "that shit is wrong!"

My father raises an eyebrow.
"Correct, it is wrong, but the first guy didn't know he was starving and struggling financially. When the victim passed out and was sent to the hospital the next day, the first guy finally understood what he just did. From then on they shared lunch, and they became great friends. Everything you do affects others. So next time you call your classmate a faggot for something they legitimately liked or cared about, just know that they might be planning to kill themselves because of you. Things like that really do happen. " The weight of my fathers words sends a ripple through the crowd. He pauses letting it sink in.
"Now, on a lighter note, kick ass and get good grades." My father says checking his phone when it goes off.
"Also, Jacob pines, my wonderful son, your mother is going to pick you up, she says she will not be choking on my cock like you told her to, and she loves you very much even if you are an asshole sometimes." He snickers, looking straight at me, shoving his phone in his pocket. I bust out laughing and everyone looks at me as I hold my stomach. My father grins and hands the mic to the principal and walks down the aisle towards me as I giggle uncontrollably, ruffles my hair goodbye, then leaves. Felix smiles in amusement as the principal trys to gain control of the laughing teens. We are dismissed.
As I walk to lunch with Felix, I notice a familiar, green haired pierced emo girl, cornered by a guy bigger than her. His buddies surround him, watching, laughing. She stands cowering, playing with the hem of her plaid skirt. She wears ripped fishnet leggings, her favorite black knee high combat boots, her favorite leather jacket with a pride support pin on the collar, and one of my old beanies, the pins and clips still lining the fold. Her black makeup is smeared from crying. I hiss through my teeth and felix notices.
"Jacob, wait-" He starts.
"No, I will not, that basterds is cornering someone who is like a sister to me and I will not let it slide." I snarl, striding up to them.
"Give me your money, e-bitch. I know your family has plenty. Same with that pinetree faggot. I bet he's just a cold rich boy." The boy snarls.
"No, jacob is really-" Melody starts.
"I don't care! Give me your fucking money!" He snaps back.
I put myself between them, and lean in close to him, ready to fight if necessary.
"Oh, it's daddy's boy, huh? Sticking up for the little guy. I hear your one of those trannys. Look at him, he's built like a dainty princess. " He smirks, and a quiet rage burns in my stomach. I wait. He grabs me by the shirt, and lifts me up. He punches me in the face, giving me a black eye. Felix gasps, wanting to help. I notice a teacher walking toward us, and she definitely saw the slap
"Jacob, dont-" Melody starts, knowing what I'm about the do. I pull my arm back, letting my fist fly forward like a slingshot, hitting him in the nose. He releases my, crying out. He backs away, but I grab him by the arm, whipping him of over my shoulder, grunting at his weight.
He lands with a thud and a groan. His buddies scatter, fear in their eyes. I lean over the bigger boy.
"I will only say this once. Mess with me, I won't care, mess with my friends or family, and I will break you." I growl lowly. He looks into my eyes and nods. I stand up straight, and step over him, dropping a 20 dollar bill from my wallet.
"Felix, Mel, let's go before I decide to break his nose." I snarl, stepping over the boy on the ground. He doesn't dare move, and the teacher states at me a gape. I bow to her and apologize.
"Sorry miss, it was just a small misunderstanding." I say, turning towards the cafeteria. We head inside and order our food. Sitting down at the table, I introduce melody and Felix.
"Felix this is melody, melody this is felix" I grunt, taking a bite of my pizza.
"Dia- I mean, uh, Jacob, sorry, my mom texted me a told me I'm coming with you after school." She tells me after greeting Felix.
"What are we doing?" I ask, ignoring her mess up. Melody is probably the only one would could call me Diana and I wouldn't care.
"We're going to the mall. Aunty needs new paints, and I want to go raid hot topic. You're just coming with because aunty said so." She says, picking at her pizza. I turn to Felix.
"What are you gonna do after school?" I ask.
"Unpack my things, and go get used to the apartment." He sighs, deciding after a minute or two.
"Alright." I grunt, shoving a second slice of pizza in my mouth. I notice a smaller teen, our age, edging over to our table nervously.
"C-can I sit here?" They squeak. All three of us nod, and then quietly sit down next to melody. I immediately notice the gender fluid colored bracelet on their wrist. They cover it up when they see me looking.
"My name is river." They whisper, completely shy.
"Alright, river, here's the deal. That was a gender fluid charm bracelet, and I know that you could only get one of those at a pride parade, as that's where I got my transgender bracelet." I sigh, holding up my own bracelet and shaking it, making it jingle for him to see.
"What are your pronouns right now, and how can we tell when you've flipped the switch." I get straight to the point.
"Erm, right now I'm he/him. You can tell I've switched by...." He starts to falter.
"Or, whenever I see you, I'll just ask for your pronouns and you can let me know." I suggest. He nods, not saying anything.

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