(A/N:) Hello Lovelies! Sorry it has taken me so long to update, I'll try to get a schedule going shortly. I hope to update again soon. Enjoy! xx Claire
There was a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" Bella raced for the door right as Liam opened it, making her cry out in pain. "I'm so sorry!" Liam and Niall rushed to her aid, leaving me stifling a laugh. "Hey Zayn!" I always loved the mysterious boy's sweet personality, and he loved Bella so much. "Hey Chris! We made it!" "WIFEEEEY!" (Louis found it hilarious that he called Bella his wife. I however, was not amused.) Bella ran for the boy in the stripes with open arms, soon to be engulfed in his hug. "How are you boo? I missed you SO MUCH!!" Louis began to chase her around the apartement, leaving her in fits of laughter.
"How are you doing?" Liam had been sitting next to me on the couch, and I just now noticed him. Silly me. "I'm great." He shot me a I-don't-believe-a-word-you-just-said look. "We'll talk later." I left him and headed for the kitchen, where the party was to be held.
Balloons, everywhere. "Lookout!" Niall belted, and just in the nick of time. Zayn dodged the balloon right before it landed in his quiff. "MY BABY!" He ran off to the bathroom in a millisecond, leaving the rest of us in tears. "Who wants cake?" I opened the fride to grab it, Niall almost beating me to it. "CAKE CAKE CAKE IM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW CAKE." "NIALL! Its Bellas birthday, not yours. But I'm sure she will be willing to share." I glanced over at Bella, who was shaking her curly hair everywhere. Gosh, I loved her. She was a walking Harry, and I still don't know what to think about that. Her piercing green orbs and curls that cascaded down her back made her a spitting image of her father. All of the hurt suddenly rushed out of me; I swiftly gave Niall the cake and made it to the bathroom just before I was greeted by my breakfast.
After I was finished with that, I went to wash my face, but was greeted my a concerned Liam. "You are not okay. Come here." I ran to his arms, the tears threatening to spill. "She just reminds me so much of him Liam, its so hard." He traced shapes on my back, helping me calm my emotions. He was a brother to me, there was no sparks between us, and we both knew it. Right after I had Bella, we had a long conversation in the middle of the night while he rocked her, and I realized that he was such a blessing, and I didn't want relationships to get in the way of that. A few minutes later, I had built back my wall, hiding my emotions, and left with Liam, to go enjoy the party.
"Wow, that had to have been the best party ever!" Louis streched out on the floor, ready to watch a movie. Bella was about to take her afternoon nap, but Liam offered to bathe all of the cake off of her, and I obliged.
"I'm all clean mommie! Liam even played Barbies with me!" I looked up at a blushing Liam. Without Bella informing us, he would have kept that to himself. "Well, you know, she asked, and I mean, look at that face!" He was his best to improvise, poor thing. Bella was hugging everyone goodnight, when there was a knock at the door.
"I'll get it!" Liam and I ran to the door, Bella hot on our heels. We flung open the door, only to find, nonetheless, him standing there.
The boy with curls flying aimlessly over his head.
The boy with the piercing green eyes that made me fall for him the second I saw him.
The boy who I thought was in love with me, but I was so wrong.
Harry Edward Styles.
"Daddy?" I heard Bella whisper, and then everything went black.

Little Styles (On Hold until further notice)
FanfictionI knew the second it started, it was time. I called Liam, hyperventalating. Louis picked up. "Hello dear! And how are you this fine morning?" When he heard me though, the phone was handed straight to Liam, who hearing my current state, raced out of...