Claimed Part 2

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Drake sighed, looking out at the cave. His head hurt, and he couldn't stop his legs from shaking. What was happening? Drake rested his head against the wall, feeling absolutely drained. Grayson... Drake felt pain erupt in his chest when he thought of his friend.

Dark green eyes, blonde hair, he had been Drake's closest friend, only second to Armen. He couldn't connect the image of his friend to the dragon that had grabbed him, kidnapped him. Bit him. Drake's neck was still sore. He fingered the bite in his neck, feeling lost. What had happened to Grayson? Drake felt tears slide down his face. The loss he felt was sharp as if Grayson had actually died. But at this point, he practically was dead, right?

I'm sorry, brother.

Drake's ears went flat against his head. Herobrine's voice was oddly gentle. It made his spines stand on end.

I honestly didn't think he'd deteriorate so fast. I guess I underestimated the dragon in him.

Drake growled. You knew. You knew what he was!

Well, of course.

Herobrine's voice was still soft.

I am the one who took his memory, back when he was a young dragonet. He was blamed for a crime he didn't commit.

Drake shook his head. He didn't care. That wasn't Grayson. Not anymore. His heart ached at the thought. He had to get out of here.

Good idea. Graykit will be back soon. Believe me, you do not want to be here when he gets back.

Drake peered out of the ledge. He felt a tinge of confusion. Greykit? Also, why wouldn't I want to be here?

Graykit is his real name, I took him before he'd earned his full name. The reason you don't want to be here is because Graykit is a Goldwing. He's part Skywing, part Rainwing.

Drake frowned, confused. He began to climb down the cliff, being careful not to look down. Hero was acting like he should know what those were. Herobrine started to laugh.

I'm sorry. I forget how little you know. Those are Dragon Tribes. To explain everything would take all day, which you don't have. All you need to know is that a Rainwings most powerful weapon was their venom.

Images of melted scales, faces, plants withering and dying shot through Drake's head. Drake recoiled, horrified, almost losing his grip on the rock. You mean Graykit could do that? To me? Panic sparked in Drake's chest.

No, no. Graykit does have venom, but it doesn't exactly work like that. The venom has evolved. Now he has two types of venom. One for prey, and one for self defense.

Drake swallowed nervously. He was afraid to ask, but he did anyway. What does his venom do?

His defense venom blinds his victims, and burns through their skin. It's similar to Rainwing venom, but not exact. The one you have to worry about, dear brother, is his prey venom.

Drake yelped, climbing down lower until he could stand on solid ground again. A sense of foreboding ran through Drakes body. Prey venom? I'm his prey?!

Pretty much. He'll want to keep you here, trapped under his claws to do whatever he wants to do with you.

Drake shuttered. He began to make his way towards the exit. Dread built in Drake's chest. The exit was almost completely covered with rocks, the only way out was a small hole at the very top. It was too high to climb. But he had to try.

The prey venom is part of his saliva. It is designed to stun and immobilize his prey, to keep it from escaping, and making it easier to devour.

Drake froze, panic sparking across his skin. W-hat?!

He'll start by licking you, coating you in his saliva. He won't stop until your completely immobilized. You'll go into a trace of sorts, where you are aware of what is happening, but you can do nothing to stop it. The saliva will slow your heartbeat, making your magic useless. Before long, you'll be craving each lick, despite the fact that each time he does, you'll become more addicted. It'll come to the point where you can't think about anything else. You'll be his, and there will be nothing you can do to stop it. Until he devours you.

Drake felt frozen, fear humming through his scales. No, this couldn't be happening. Drake looked up at the exit, still way to far away. Then he heard it. A deafening roar erupted from the entrance, making Drake whimper with fear. The dragon was back.

Drake let go, falling to the ground. He looked around wildly. He had to hide. But there was no place to go. Panic thrummed in Drake's chest. Then the dragon flew into the cave, headed straight for the ledge. He had something green in his mouth. Two seconds later, he reappeared at the mouth of the ledge.

Whatever he was carrying was gone now. His fierce green eyes scanned the cave, then locked on Drake. Drake stumbled back as Grayson flew right at him, landing right in front of him. Drake stumbled back, tripping and landing on his bum. His back was pressed against the wall. The dragon sniffed at Drake's hair, and Drake felt its breath in his face.

Drake tried to run, but Grayson grabbed onto Drake, gripping him tightly and flying back up to the ledge. Drake cried out helplessly as he was lain down on a soft bed of grass and leaves. Drake tried to move, but Grayson held him down. Drake whimpered, then froze.

Grayson's tongue swept across Drake's back, making his scales tingle. Drake gasped as Grayson's venom set in, and he writhed as Grayson licked his chest, his back, his face. Grayson curled himself around Drake, purring. Drake couldn't feel his arms. Or legs. Drake felt himself relaxing into Grayson, despite knowing it was the venom causing him to feel this way. Grayson continued to methodically lick him, and Drake felt himself beginning to go. Drake closed his eyes, sinking into the venom. He was Grayson's.

And would be until the day Grayson killed him.

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