Episode 3

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Disclaimer: I own no part of this.  Everything mentioned in the story belongs to a Japanese artist.  Please watch the original anime on crunchyroll.com if you like the story: Hiiro No Kakera

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Episode 3: The Five Guardians

"Ungh!" Tamaki grunted as she ran into someone.  She started to fall backwards, one arm out, the other clutching her lunch.  

"Stop!" said a young male's voice.  A strange light enveloped the falling girl, stopping her descent halfway.  The boy reached out and grabbed her, breaking the rest of her fall.  Tamaki opened her eyes in surprise at the soft landing.

Her eyes widened when she saw the young purple-haired male who caught her.  

"Are you all right?" he asked in his soft voice.  He sounded worried.

Tamaki just stared at the boy.  Mitsuru-chan? she wondered.  

"Excuse me," the boy said shyly, interrupting Tamaki's thought.  "Could you let go?"  He looked away, embarrassed.  

Tamaki looked over at their still-joined hands, gasped, and jumped away.  "I-I'm so sorry," she stuttered.  

The boy straightened up.  "Um, are you by any chance Tamaki Kasuga-senpai?"

"Huh?" Tamaki said.  "How do you know my . . ."  She gasped in as if a realization had just dawned on her.  "That strange power you just used . . .  Are you the fifth guardian?"  She took a step towards the boy.

The male smiled slightly in recognition.  "Yes," he said.  "I'm Shinji Inukai, a first year.  You must be the Tamayori princess."  He tilted his head slightly, then smiled more happily.  "I'm glad you're just like I'd expected."

Up on the roof, the other guardians were gathered, eating lunch.  

"Come on," Tamaki encouraged Shinji.

"Okay."  He peered out from around the doorway.  "Um, it's good to see all of you again."  He stiffened as if preparing to bow, but didn't.  "You may not remember me."

Mahiro paused taking a bite of his yakisoba sandwich to look over at the newcomer.  "I-Is that you, Shinji?" he asked, sounding a little surprised.  

Yuichi looked over at Shinji as well at the mention of the boy's name.  

"Yes, I'm back," Shinji replied happily.  

Takuma clomped over to the younger boy and put an arm around his shoulders.  "When did you get back?"  he questioned joyously.


"You should've told us as soon as you got back," Takuma reprimanded teasingly.  

Mahiro clapped Shinji on the back.  "That's right."

"Stop it," Shinji protesed weakly.

"It's good to see you again.  You seem well."  Yuichi greeted him in his straightforward manner.  Takuma released the boy as he stood to address Yuichi.  

"Yes, I'm back," he said again.  The other three boys just smiled almost lovingly at the fourth.

"And the girl standing over here is the Tamayori princess," Takuma suddenly explained, pointing slightly at Tamaki. 

"Oh, yes.  I'm Tamaki Kasuga," Tamaki said, bowing respectfully.  "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine," Shinji replied, bowing a greeting as well.  "I hope I can continue to be of service to you."  He straightened back up.

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