Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten |Die In A Fire|

Somewhat rushed at the beginning

TW: Blood, stabbing.

I've never done a song fic so wish me luck! I also might change some lyrics to match what's actually happening


After Dolion's little threat the day seemed to go by pretty fast. Next thing I know, we're back at Tokyo Square and Dolion keeps sending me angry glances.

I dig my face in Lloyd's shoulders to hide from Dolion's stares. He noticed. "Are you ok?" He asks, patting me on the back. I guestures towards Dolion and Lloyd sends him some glances back at him.


The meeting was pretty long compared to the other ones. I decide to relax near a tree to get my mind off things. Alec doesn't trust me alone so he stayed close- not really close to me, but he was in eye shot.

I was reading my book and I hear rustling in the bushes. I decide to ignore it. Not my best decision since I just got threatened...

Alec comes up to me. "We're going to order some Chinese. What do you want?" Alec asks me. "Uhhh...... I'm not really hungry. Can you just get me some egg-drop soup?" I ask him. He nods and goes to the nearest resturaunt to order.

I go back to reading until I hear another rustling in the bushes. Annoyed, I put my book down and go to check it out. 

I spread the leaves out to see inside. I hear, "NOW!" Behind me. Before I can turn around, I get pushed down by Adrian. I land on the rocks, my arm breaking my fall.

"WHAT THE- OW!" I groan while holding my arm. Dolion approached Adrian and I and hovered above me. He smirks. "That's what you get." He hisses. I see Adrian has a little remorse written on his face.

I notice Dolion has something behind his back. I try my best to sit up. It's kind of hard doing it with one arms, and when you're on a pile of rocks. When I finally do, he pulls out the thing behind his back and points it towards my face.

A sword.

I'm going to die probably. Not how I wanted to, but I guess I'll just accept it.

No... I can't. Charlie, Ray, Damien, Jaxton, Dakota, and Luna would be extremely sad if I just died, not knowing why or how because I told them I would be fine and I was just visiting Tokyo. I can fight back for them, right?

I remember Luna teaching me some fighting techniques a while back. She wanted me to know how to defend myself in case of someone trying to kidnap me, kill me- which would probably be useful to use the techniques right now- WHY AM I NOT DOING THAT?!

I slide my feet across the rough rocks and kick Dolion in the shins, making him fall over. I quickly try to stand up.

I stand up, but I'm not sure how long I can. "Was this about yesterday? Because If this is, we can talk it out?" I say awkwardly while stepping back. "OF COURSE THIS WAS ABOUT YESTERDAY!" Dolion cries out while standing back up and picking up his sword. I forgot to grab the sword... crap.

"ALEC WAS OUR OLD FRIEND! HE LEFT US!" The amount of hurt in his voice hurts me. "I JUST WANTED HIM BACK. BUT NOOOOO! YOU-" he corners me to a tree. "-HAD TO RUIN IT!" He puts the sword to my throat, threatening to slice it.

I stay extremely still, not daring to move. If I kick him away he'll most likely still be able to hurt me. But I guess I'd rather have that then having my throat sliced.

Adrian is standing in the back, eyes wide.

I kick at Dolion's legs and he falls again, only slicing my arm with the sword, that should probably only leave a scar.

I start panicking, blood is dripping from my arm, Alec is nowhere to be seen, and Dolion still has his sword. He's going to be pissed- sorry Charlie- about me kicking him. He'll probably just stab me right on the spot.

I stand there, paralyzed of fear. Blaming myself for not moving.

Dolion let's out an agitated grunt and stands up again.

"I really hate you, stop getting in my way." He says to me, eyes beaming with hatred. "I've lost my patience," he holds the sword to my throat again. "when are you going to decay?" He asks me. I can't tell if it's rhetorical or if he's being serious. By the tone, I'm guessing serious.

"I want to throw you out just like my broken TV." Ok, just threatening. No stabby.

"If you'll come back once more," he glares at me. "it shall be painful you see." He smirks, which can't be a good sign.

"I HOPE YOU DIE IN A FIRE!" He lunges at me. I took the hint that the smirk was bad so I already jumped out of the way. He stabs the tree instead.

He tries getting the sword out of the tree before aiming it at me again. "Hope you'll be stabbed in the heart." Ok, now we're going to be stabby again. "Hope you get shot and expire!" He tries to stab me but I try to remember Luna's defense techniques. I manage to dodge them, which is only making him angrier. 

"So much hoping, can we just hope and not actually do it?" I ask sheepishly. He growls. Ok, not a good time for sarcasam.

"Hope you'll be taken apart.. hope this is what you desire." He throws the sword at me like a freaking axe. It misses me by an inch.

Ok, now I'm definitely going to die.

Adrian is in behind Dolion, trying his best not to get stabbed by the way Dolion is throwing swords like freaking axes.

"It's almost over, why can't you just let it fly?" He asks, referring to why I'm refusing to DIE. "Don't be afraid, it's not the first time you'll die." He says in a sickly sweet voice. Ok, is this like Coco where you die in the afterlife if you get forgotten? WHAT DOES HE MEAN?

(Skipping a part since it doesn't make sense- sorry. The part was "your mechanical parts click, sounds like when I broke your bones.")

"Once I get my second chance." He twirls the sword on his fingers like a basketball. "I won't leave you alone!" He promises. "I HOPE YOU DIE IN A FIRE!" Back at stabbing and lunging, great.

I manage to dodge his stabs, I'm not sure how, but I probably can't do it for long. 

"Hope you'll be stabbed in the heart, HOPE YOU'LL GET SHOT AND EXPIRE!" He's scary... I can see why Alec left.

"Hope you'll be taken apart.. I HOPE YOU DIE IN A FIRE!" He sounds like he's about to cry. "Hope you'll be stabbed in the heart, hope you'll get shot and expire!" Back at threatening again.

He tries to stab my heart but I duck.

I run into a tree. I try to run away from Dolion but I'm pushed down by Adrian.

Now Dolion's standing right in front of me, and I can't stand up.

"Hope you'll be taken apart," he's getting ready to stab... crAP. "Hope this is what you desire!" I close my eyes tightly, not wanting to see him stab me.

The last thing I saw was him directing the sword towards my heart- or somewhere. I can't feel anything... did he stab me? Am I dead?

I slowly open my eyes, needing confirmation if I'm dead. Instead, I see someone else standing in front of me, bleeding.


He took the stab for me.....

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