Louis' p.o.v (part 1)

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I sighed in relief as I felt the cool wind blowing through my hair. "happy birthday Hazza" I said softly as i turned to face harry. my best friend . " thank you boobear" he smiled as he slowly ran his hand through his chocolate brown curls in an attempt to tame them. i couldn't help but to be completely mesmerised by him, the way his emerald green eyes shone bright in the dim moonlight, the way his soft curls framed his face perfectly, the way his frosty pale skin looked almost sparkly in the light but most of all his bright dimpled smile that could brighten up any room when he flashed it.  i know its wrong for me think about my best friend in such ways but no matter how hard i try i just cant stop myself. ever since he saved me from those bullies that rainy thursday afternoon.


i was walking to class just after lunch when i spotted them, i hid my face and started speed walking but theyd already spotted me. "hey fag" the oldest (and biggest) of them all Chris shouted. i slowly turned around and was immediately met with a punch to the ribs. i doubled over in pain and shock just to be met with another punch but to my face this time i stumbled backwards and fell to the floor as they kept throwing more and more punches at my already bruised body. my eyes shot open in surprise when i heard someone rather loudly say "what the fuck are you doing". chris  just ignored it and continued beating me until he was roughly grabbed off of me and thrown up against the lockers. "i said what the fuck are you doing" i had yet to open my eyes again but i swore the voice sounded familiar. when i evetually peeled my eyes open i was met with a sight that i never expected to see in my life .  harry styles the most popular boy in the school was standing there holding chris sgainst the locker by his collar. he moved closer to chris and whispered something that i couldt make out. after harry let him go chris scurried away presumably to his class. harry picked up my glasses which had fell off during the vicious beating and kneeled beside me. he slowly lifted his hands up to my face and put my glasses back on me. "are you okay" he said softly as he looked at me intently "w w why did you h help me " i stuttered  he smiled and said "i didnt want him to ruin your pretty face" as soon as he said that my face and neck turned a scarlet red. "whats your name" he said standing up and offering me a hand "louis" i said as i gratefully acccepted his hand. "well louis could i walk you to class" he asked i blushed and nodded. as we walked to class we talked about everything and nothing at the same time and weve been inseparable ever since .

                                                   *end of flashback*

"So?" Harry asked with a smug smirk playing on his lips, "whats my present then?", "its just under the table" I replied but then to my horror as I bent over to get it a loud fart erupted from my anus I had never been so horrified in my life it smelt like potent faecal matter and it encased the room in a pungent fragrance harry looked shocked he started to boke and ran to the bathroom where I heard him violently being sick but oh no I suddenly felt a tight knot in my stomach I needed a ferocious shite. "Harry get out of there" I screamed but alas it was too late I felt the warm sticky brown liquid oozing out of my shorts and running down my bare legs creating a soft, stinking vulgar puddle around the soles of feet as it hit the floor, it was squelching out the gaps in my toes as I waddled my way into my room hoping that Harry hadn't heard me and I could clean myself up before he came out of the bathroom.

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