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   "Why aren't you out with Daniel on the jet ski?" Nicole asked me as we stood watching my brother and his friends on the water.
    I laughed and took a sip of my drink.
    "Please, like he would even let me set foot on one. My brother may seem like a care-free guy, but not when it comes to me." I told her, earning a laugh from her and her group of friends. I'm not stupid, I know the only reason she invited me to talk with them was to get closer to Daniel. She's not a bad person, but I know teenage girls better than anyone.
    "I think that's sweet, Dottie. He's just looking out for you." Nicole said, though her eyes were glued to my brother who was currently flipping his ski in the air. I rolled my eyes at that. Show off.
    Once they made it back to shore, Nicole and her group dragged me along behind them so Nicole could talk to Daniel. I noticed his friends watching us as we walked, their eyes trailing over our bodies. I ignored them as Nicole said, "Daniel! That was awesome!"
    My brother smiled widely at that. He's been wanting to ask Nicole out for weeks now, but he kept convincing himself that it wouldn't work out.
    I said goodbye to Nicole and the girls and made my way over to my brother and his friends.
    "So were you trying to show off for Nicole or were you trying to make your friends look bad?" I jokingly asked him, earning a laugh from the group.
    "Maybe a little bit of both." he joked back, making me smile. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and walked with me back to the party, smiles on our faces.

    "Hey, Jake, where'd my brother go?" I asked Daniel's friend after I got back from grabbing another drink. He smirked at me and said, "Lover boy went to go meet up with Nicole."
    I laughed at that and downed my drink, throwing the cup into a trash can a few feet away.
    "Well, if he comes back, tell him I went home. I don't feel like waiting around to hear about my brother's sex life." I joked, earning a laugh from him.
    "You gonna be able to make it home okay? I could walk you." He suggested in an innocent tone, but I could see the lust hidden in his eyes. I grabbed my bag and shook my head at him.
        "I'll be fine, Jake. My house isn't that far." I told him before leaving the party. I walked quickly down the beach, reaching the small path that led to my house.
    The sound of the party faded as I continued walking, the silence allowing for me to breathe. I was never a big fan of parties, but wherever Daniel went, I went.
    Suddenly, my arm started to burn. I dropped my bag on the ground and almost shouted in pain. No, this can't be happening. I looked down at my forearm and saw a new mark starting to glow. I watched as images of number three being killed formed in front of me. I could feel the knife as it killed him, the pain exploding in my chest.
    Oh god, Daniel's next.
    The images faded, leaving me with the intense, burning pain in my arm. I grabbed my bag with my left hand and started running back to Daniel.
    "Daniel!" I shouted, hoping he would hear me. My bare feet ran quickly over the sand, the few rocks and shells that I stepped on not slowing me down.
    Before I could stop myself, I ran straight into someone, knocking the both of us down. I fell flat on my butt, my arm throbbing from having to catch me.
    I looked up and saw Daniel, a pained expression on his face. I crawled towards him as he looked up at me, a relieved expression on his face.
    "You saw it, right?" I asked him. I sat beside him, my hand instantly finding his. We weren't anywhere near the party, so there was no way anyone would find us.
    "Three's dead." He spoke, answering my question. I squeezed his hand and rested my head on his shoulder. He squeezed my hand in return, his head resting against mine.
    "How's your arm?" He asked me quietly. I lifted it and showed him the new burn, hearing him wince as he showed me his leg.
    "This is getting harder and harder to hide." I told him, earning a small sigh.
    "Henri and I won't let you get anymore, I promise." He told me, determination and tiredness in his voice.
    "I hope not."

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