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I see the bus infront of our house and am instantly scared again.
I hold Liam's hand while I walk away towards the bus and I look back at our parents. Liam's parents look at us in disgust. My mother is sobbing into my fathers shoulder. My father is looking at me with pure hatred. I wish they could have found out differently then maybe this wouldn't have happened like this.
Liam and i are in my room with the door closed making out on my bed like always. We've been together for the past two years. It was hard to get him to come around because of our parents.
We were spending the night together and he told me he was gay and I told him it was okay and that I was too. We were very open with each other considering we've known each other since we we're six and have been insuperable ever since. After we told each other we were gay we both felt a huge weight off of our shoulder and then he lent in and kissed me. I was taken by shock and stayed there for about 3 seconds until I kissed back. He told me he's had a crush on me since the day we meet, I admitted that I did to and for the rest of the night we made out a cuddle
"I love you so much Li, your the best boyfriend ever" he leans down and connects our lips, he licks the bottom of my lip with his tongue eager for entrance and I let him without hesitation. We sit up and I sit on his lap with my legs around his hips. While we sit there making out I start to hear people walk by my door it shouldn't be a problem, and then I hear my door open and a scream follows Liam and I are shaken with fear and are in shock we slowly turn around and see my mother standing in the door.
"JOHN GET IN HERE" I'm brought back to my senses by what my mother just said I halfway turn around forgetting that I'm still on Liam's lap and try and grab my mum although she's like 9 feet away from me
"MUM WAIT IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK" her face has gone from shocked to angry
"WHAT DON'T YOU THINK I DONT UNDERSTAND YOU A FAG NIALL" Her words stab me like a harpoon and with that my father comes running in with a red face, half hatred and half anger
"Young man what you think your doing" he says in a calm tone but theres a hint of disgust
"I....was...we were...you see what happened was...Me and Liam were just practicing kissing so when we got girlfriends we would be ready" That was a shitty lie.
My heart his pounding against my chest and I can feel it cracking my ribs with each pounding "We were taking on different roles, I'm more of the female since he's...him"
"Well I think I should be going now" Liam says and hold my back so I don't fall and puts me onto the bed while my arms are still wrapped around him
"STAY RIGHT WERE YOU ARE YOUNG MAN, Sophia call Mr.Payne's parents over right now" Liam's,face goes from tan to completely pale
"PLEASE NO THEY CAN'T FIND OUT LIKE THIS, I WAS GOING TO TELL THEM WHEN I WAS READY" Liam has started crying, and I instantly get up and grab his hand
"Liam it's okay" I wrap my arms around his chest and hold him as tight as I can without breaking my babe
"NIALL IT WON'T BE OKAY MY DAD A FUCKING PREACHER" although he yelled at me it isn't out of anger it's because he is scared, so i start to run my hand over the back of his head and just talk to him softly
"As long as we have each other we'll be okay" I nearly forget my father is there until he scoffs at us
"Is there a problem" He is still furious but I don't care he's making my baby feel bad and that's a NO
"Dad until Liam's parent's get here can I talk with him, about how we should repent" He nods and walk out. Liam gives me a sad glare and even more tears start coming down
"Ni--" I don't let him finish sense I'm not sure how much time we have. I pull away and look at him
"You know my dad that's the only way he's gonna leave us alone, Liam I love you okay and no matter what they try remember I love YOU" he looks at me and throws me down onto the bed and pull's off his shirt
"Li, what are you-" I am cut off by his lips attacking mine
"I'm not sure when my parent's are coming but I want to have this moment with you Niall I'm not sure what might happen so I want to remember this"
with that i pull off my shirt as well as I start to un buckle my jeans I see his six pack and run my hand over them
"When did that happen" I ask eyeing his defined abs
He shrugs and laughs "Basketball practice I don't know"
I pull off my pants and we get under the quilt Liam is having trouble undoing his belt buckle I slap away his hands and do it in one snap.
"Thanks Ni" I give him a quick peck on the lips and unzip his pants and he tosses them aside so we're both only in our boxers. I get on all fours and hover over him.
"Are you sure you want to do this" I ask with precaution
"I love you Niall James Horan, and the only thing I want to do is make love to you all night long but, we can't so this is the next best thing" I love Liam so much more than he will ever know
"I'm ready" I say after seconds of silence. I start to tug at the band of his boxers, until he arches his back and I throw them at the wall. I start to pull down my own and kick to off somewhere and start to move down slowly. I'm not going to lie this is my first time so I'm really' really' REALLY FUCKING SCARED. I feel the tip of Liam's member touch my arse and I look into his gorgeous brown eyes and all my fear goes away. We were almost about to do it until
"GET OFF OF MY SON YOU DEVIANT" someone screams at me
I look over to the door and see Liam's father Paster Payne. He runs over and throws me off of Liam and onto the ground. Liam gets up and puts on his boxers that are by the door. Luckily my boxers are under my arse so i can quickly put them on. While I do so I taste blood in my mouth, I pull my hand up to my lip and feel it gashed open. I guess Liam and I notice at the same time because he runs over and holds me up. right before I'm about to get up Liam's dad comes over and grabs him by his curls and drags him out of the room in only his boxers. I quickly pull on some shorts and a tank, and hear screaming
"BUT DAD I LOVE HIM" right after that i hear a loud slap
and after that I hear glass shattering I run out quick and see that Liam has a bruise on his check and his dad is picking glass out of his arm. I get scared when I see Liam walking over to me and our parent all watching him. Liam's comes over and gives me a sideways open mouthed kiss, and put his hands on my arse, I throw my arms around his neck totally by habit not to anger our parents and I hear the gasp, I start to run my fingers through his curls until I hear a loud banging on the table from the living room considering I'm still in the the hallway. My eyes go over to my father.
"We need to talk please leave us be for a moment" Me and Liam start to walk to my room
"SEPARATE ROOMS" my father says in a annoyed tone "Niall you go into the bathroom and wait and Liam go into Niall's room" I'm in a defiant mood tonight so.
"Awe, Li there already trying to separate us" I say while I stand up on my tippy toes and gives him a quick peck
"I'll miss you" I say
He gives me one back "I'll miss you more" and with that he walks down the hallway and into my room and before I enter the bathroom I give my parents and the paster and his wife the finger
5 mins later
LIAM: I miss you already
Me: I love you Liam and I always will
LIAM: They don't get our love but I do and you do too thats all we need <3
ME: Promise me you'll always love me
LIAM: Promise
I hear a faint knock on the door down the hall and it opens. Then I hear footsteps coming down my way, followed by a knock
"Com'on Niall" It's my mum I think. I get up stretch and walk out.
When I get out I see Liam walking out of my room. I walk towards him and grab his hand and give him a quick peck on the lips, he nods his head and we walk into the living room, holding hands and Liam's father scoffs
"Something wrong pastor" I say
"Actually, yes there is" he snidely remarks
"Well save it" Liam cuts in
We sit down still holding hands, and my mother takes another shot of vodka, which is really bad since she's AA.
"So we've come to an agreement and are going to give you two an ultimatum" I take a giant breathe and lean back into my chair "One you two can go to a spiritual camp where you will be cleansed of your sin, and be reborn"
I scoff "And choice number two?" my fathers face gets stern and red
"Or you can get out of this house and never return, and that goes for both of you" I feel as if my heart just dropped but I don't care i's replaced by anger. I start to get up "Fine we'll g-"
Liam's hand quickly pushes me down into my chair
"We'll go to the camp" Liam says.
I look at him in confusion and mouth the words "What"
he turns his head from my father to me " I wouldn't know what to do with myself if something ever happened to you, Ni" I hear Liam's father scoff and I quickly give him the middle finger.
"I love you and I wouldn't help myself if something ever happened to you" I wrap my arms around his neck and give him a hug, he calls it a "Horan Hug", he hugged me back which turned into a kiss in front of our parents and my father slapped his hand against the table but neither of us were started we're to much into the kiss.
"BOYS" I heard Liam's father yell which snapped us out of our trance
"The bus will be here in 2 days, I've already called so they can pick you two up"
Liam's father stand up with his wife
"This has been a long night, Liam it's time to go.....you won't go to school for monday since the bus is going to come the next day"
Liam gives me a quick peck "I Love you Niall, I guess I'll se you later"
He looks down with tears in his eyes. I tilt head up with my hand
"Don't cry Li, they can't separate us forever" I give him a quick kiss and he's gone.
I get up to goto my room I just want to sleep this off
"Wait just a minute young man" My father calls after me
"What is it I really want to goto sleep"
my father points to the chair "how about you sit down and tell us when this all started"
I sit down "So it all started about two years ago"
As I'm walking towards the bus I take one last look at our parents and scan there faces one more time
"Hay Niall just go with it ok" Liam says out of no where
"Umm sure" I say confused
He grabs the back of neck and snogs me in front of our parents again, I feel his hands going down my back and he grabs my bum in his huge hands and squeezes it and i wrap my arms around his neck and open my mouth. He starts to move his hands up my back only to go back down to my bum gut this time he puts the, into my pants actually grabbing my bum.
"Calm it down Liam" I say through the kiss
"Awe but I wanted to Jove them a show"
"NIALL" A hear a voice scream at me but it's not my father, and its not my mum, or Liam's parent.....oh shit it's
"Joshua" I yell. Liam immediately removes his hands from my bum and steps back.
Joshua comes running into my arms and starts crying, "please don't go Niall I need you here with me" I hug him into my chest since he's only 9 and super small
"It's okay Josh, it'll be alright I'm just going away for a while with Liam"
he looks up at me with wet eyes "B-But why"
"Because mommy and dadd-" I stop in mid sentence. Just because I hate my parents doesn't mean I can turn my little brother against them "I have some stuff to work out so I'll be gone for awhile but I'll be back okay"
"NO YOU CANT GO YOU MY BIG BRABRA" he starts sobbing even harder
I put down my bags and carry him to my dad "It'll be okay alright I'll be back and remember I'll always be with you in your heart"
He isn't saying anything to me. He isn't mad just sad. As I hand him off to my father I say
"Turn him against me and I swear to god" a smile trows upon his lips
"Wouldn't dream of it"
"Fuck you dad" and with that I walk away and pick up my bags, and grab Liam's hand and walk onto the bus.
There are allot of open seats there but I just want to goto the back of the bus and sleep. We walk to the back of the bus and find a row of four open seat and just sit by the window. I lay my head onto Liam's shoulder and that's the last thing I remember, before I dosed off into unconsciousness.

Camp Gay AwayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora