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(So it's been almost a year since I've updated and I've decided to take the story in a new direction, the plot will be the same but I want a more mature dialogue and experience for my readers so I'm going to be changing this up a tad bit, this will be more in Nialls P.O.V. And I'll post another story which will be in Harry's/Louis)

Liam and I get out of the shower in a rush, we'd rather not keep the other boy waiting. I walk over to the mirror and Liam comes behind drying me with a towel. Leaning my head back onto his shoulder I close my eyes and let the warm rays shining through the window drift into me.

"Ni," Liam says brushing over my pecs with the towel, "how long do you think we're going to have to be here" he ask

I don't know, so I say nothing. The question is one I have no answer and no idea on, maybe forever? Liam continues to dry me off until there's a faint knock on the window.

I open my lids abruptly and see that grotesque smile, it's Rick. Liam covers me in record speed and slams the wooden blinds closed.

"So no show?" Rick says through the thick glass

Liam turns to me and looks pissed. "WHAT THE HELL" Liam screams "WHY ARE WE HERE WERE NOTHING LIKE HIM! FUCKING PERV" Liam starts walking back and forth in the small room, a thing he does when he's angry.

Thoughts are running through my head, I want to tell Liam about what Rick did last night but...I just want no more attention on me, and I'm pretty sure Liam would try to kill him or something.

I stroke Liam's arm slowly with my index finger, "Because our parents are insane, they just send us here and not even care about how we feel, they just make us leave and don't even see how well you toke care of me after my surgery" I say, it caught Liam's attention. If I can get his attention on me he can calm down

"Remember after my surgery" I say with a faint smile. Liam hasn't notioned anything, just a light shake of his head "Remember when you picked me up in your mustang and drove me home? We watched old black and white movies and you made me soup...and you spelled I love you in those dumb little sprinkles, Which damn near tore out my stitches!" Liam crack a smile and takes a step closer to me

"Yeah, I remember" he says eyes filled with tears. I didn't even notice he was going to cry, this is hurting him I know...but I didn't know how much.

"And I told you I love you too" I start to laugh, "and you tried kissing me and spilled hot soup on your pants"

Liam's aura is back lively and I can see it in his laughter, "If you can make it through that, we can make it through this".

Liam holds me for a bit, a tight embrace and a gentle rock on his wet body. I take the towel from around me and start to dry Liam off, "Did you know him"? Liam ask

I stop and feel a small lump in my throat... "No" I lie.

"I don't trust him, stay away from him Niall. Plus he's a perv" Liam says disgusted

I give him a nod and a reassuring smile. I think I should have told Liam I did know him and he tried something last night but...when he asked, I was truly stupid for not saying "yes Liam I know him! He tried kissing me last night go kick his ass"!

But it's my own accord I'm following, that and I don't want Liam getting in trouble.

Liam and I come out from the bathroom in black shorts and white tank tops. There sounds like someone's bickering though. When we surface into the main room the two other boys are going at it. I can feel Liam about to rush past me but I extend my arm, "I think it's better if we don't get involved". I say

Camp Gay AwayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora