Deceit - songs and old boats

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This is a continuation of the oneshot 'scars and old boats' I thoroughly recommend you read that if you (somehow) haven't already so that the story makes a little more sense. Thank you and I hope you enjoy.
It had been a few weeks since the kind raven accepted a new member of its crew, and everyone was enjoying this new crewman.

Captain (y/n) was capaciously happy as they would gaze upon their crew from the sail bars. They were so kind to Deceit, as Deceit was to them. "WHAT DO WE DO WITH A DRUNKEN SAILOR?!" The captain bellowed loudly to the crew bellow, swinging down as another asked the same question, then another, ending with Roman calling out "EARLY IN THE MORNIN'." This turned into the loudest sea shanty god could ever hear, shipmates dancing around with a fresh cup of grog and a breathless voice as they sang alongside their captain.

Deceit had hidden away from the loud group, ducking below deck to a small hideaway. However, the Captain slipped away, following after him. "An' where are ya going Deceit?" They asked seriously, causing the snake-man to flinch, "(y/n).. c-captain." He stuttered before turning to his captain with tears in his eyes. (Y/n) noticed this and smiled softly, lowering his voice so as not to scare the poor boy. "You know that you can drop the whole Captain thing right? I didn't mean to scare you either. You know I would never scare you on perpouse. But where are you going?" They asked calmly, walking toward Deceit who stuttered whilst trying to figure out how to explain where he was going. "Well Capt-... (Y/n).. I found that the ship has another floor, whenever I have free time I hide down there.. it's become my room I guess." He responded, cutting himself from calling (y/n) captain.

Walking past but motioning for him to follow the captain found the enterance to this extra floor and decended down the ladder to this floor. "I used to hide here alot, hated the noise of those drunken idiots... Especially Remus." (Y/n) shuddered as they looked around at their old hidey hole. Deceit smiled as he carefully climbed down the ladder, being assisted by his Captain. Walking to the far end of the kind raven the duo sat near the front, leaning against the wall. "I haven't been down here in years. Seven to be exact. I like that it isn't being neglected anymore." The captain smiled as he looked around.

"I... I should have asked-" Deceit began until being interrupted "No. You didn't need to ask. You just gotta let me duck down here if I get stressed, okay?" With that the snake boy smiled and nodded. (Y/n) grinned and ruffled his hair, taking of their hat and placing it on Deceits head. Leaning back against the wall, the captain started singing softly, much to the suprise of the snake boy next to them.

Well.. I didn't tell anyone, but a bird flew by. Saw what I'd done he'd set up a nest outside... And he sang about.. what I'd become. He sang so loud, sang so clear...

At that point Deceit joined in too, singing an octave lower and singing at Piano (meaning: lower than speaking voice) before gradually getting as loud as (y/n)

I was afraid all the neighbors would hear. So I brought him in.. just to reason with him.

I promised I wouldn't do it again..

But he sang louder and louder inside the house and now I couldn't get him out. So I trapped him under a cardboard box.

Stood on it to make him stop.

Picked up the bird and above the bin I said "that's the last song you'll ever sing.

Held him down

Broke his neck

Taught him a lesson he wouldn't forget. . .

At that point they could barely breathe as they had rarely paused to breathe, both looking to eachother they started laughing. "You're voice is wonderful, you should sing more." The captain said with a smile. Deceit looked nervous when he heard that. "If not to the others then to me, deal?"  At that Deceit agreed. He would never admit it but he was rather fond of the captain. As were they of him. 

"It sounds like they've quietened down now Captain.. should we join them?" The snake cautiously asked. Only receiving a head shake. Changing the subject (y/n) smiled "my hat suits you." Was all they said before closing their eyes, causing a large blush to dust over Deceits face. At that the captain started flirting slyly without Deceit fully realising that it was. With a soft smirk (y/n) reached out and touched the scales on his crewman's face.

Then they started to stroke the scales gently. They were cold to the touch but rather smooth. Without realising it they had both gotten closer and closer, Deceit hissing softly in content.

It was at that point (y/n) couldn't hold it in anymore, they'd known for awhile how they felt for Deceit, going so far as to consult Roman. (Y/n) looked at Deceits happy face, his eyes closed in content. They bit the proverbial bullet and pressed their lips to Deceit's gently. After a short moment the snake man did the same, carefully holding the captain's face.

This lasted for several seconds until they parted, a gentle smile and blush on their faces. "Well.. it seems I've found my answer." The captain laughed gently as they looked at the one in their arms. "As have I captain." Deceit responded before capturing (y/n) in another soft, sweet kiss.

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