Papers ~ 6

177 7 1

POV: 3rd Person


Katsuki heaved the bag onto a spare bed that had just been set up.

Bakugou's room was pretty normal, the walls painted in shades of green, with a normal bed and desk full of work and papers. His furniture was mostly black, with a few orange accents - like his hero outfit.

Surprisingly to Izuku, he had a small All Might poster above his headboard of the bed, and a few picture frames with friends photographed in them.

"Are you just gonna' stare all day?" The blonde growled, raising an eyebrow at the greenette.

"Uh-! Sorry!!" Izuku laughed nervously, unzipping his bag and unpacking straight away.

Katsuki sat on his bed, smirking to himself subtly, as Midoriya unpacked, picking up his phone and unlocking it with a swipe.


His eyebrows furrowed, tapping on the messages icon, and reading through.


Shitty hair


Shitty hair:  HEY BAKUBRO! where are you right now? class just finished!

Me: at my dorm, idiot.. why?

Shitty hair: Can you meet me at my place in 5 minutes?!

Me: fine.. this better be important..


Katsuki locked his phone, eyes scanning up to the greenette, who packed away happily. 

"I'll be right back, nerd.." He smirked, unlocking the door and heading to Kirishima's dormitory. 

He knocked quickly, looking around to check nobody could see him. The blonde believed that people knowing he had soft spots for friends would make him weak, and he stood by it even now, eyes darting around the hallways.

"Bakubro!" Kirishima smiled, warmly greeting his friend, he had noticed the strangely soft behaviour coming from Bakugou for a while now, and wanted to find out just what was going on with his best friend.

"Shitty hair." Bakugou responded, hustling his way into the redheads dorm and sitting on his bed like he owned the place. "So why'd you call me here? Just to waste my time or..?" He growled.

"No, no! I just wanted to talk to you about something." Kirishima urged.

Bakugou would poke fun if it wasn't Kirishima he was talking to. He had some dignity after all, sighing quickly, he listened in.

"So, this seems pointless.. but you like ice-cream right?" Eijiro asked, smirking slightly. Of course he knew Bakugou did, but that was all part of the plan to get the blonde to spill the beans.

"Huh? Yeah..? It's good I guess.." Bakugou growled, hands clenching into fists. "If that's all you wanted to say, you wasted your time!" He sneered, striding to the door.

"No! Bakubro! Please, that's not it!" 

"Tch.. Fine.." Bakugou sat back down on the floor this time, arms propping up his head.

"Did you finish your presentation on Izuku?" Kirishima asked, again surprising Katsuki with the supposedly meaningless question.

"Yeah? So what?"

"Can I see?"

"N-No." Bakugou roared, his face turning away from Kirishima. 

The redhead smiled, noticing the redness on the blondes ears, as he pursued with more questions.

"I haven't finished mine yet, can I borrow yours for inspiration?"

"You mean so you can copy, dunce?" Bakugou snickered, turning back to Kirishima.

"No! Honestly, I just want inspiration!.."

The blonde sighed, linking eyes with Eijiro, before standing up and walking to the door, muttering "I'll be right back.." under his breath and stepping out.

Kirishima punched the air in excitement, hitting the punching bag in his room a little too hard, as it swung back and knocked him off his feet and into his desk.

"Mmmgh-" He wailed.

He barely had time to get up, when the door opened, Bakugou slipping through with a pile of sheets and an embarrassed look on his face.

"Just bring them back to me when you're done.." He muttered, shoving the papers onto the desk and slamming the door quickly.

"Heh.." Smirked Eijiro. "He's been acting soft around that greenette since he read about him.. let's see just what Mr. Bakubro is up to..!"

----------------------- THE PAPERS:

Izuku Midoriya - The boy chained in gold

by Katsuki Bakugou


Everything looked normal to Kirishima. He had a pretty basic fact file, explaining what happened. His eyes trailed down to the second page, revealing some rushed notes that looked like they were meant to be erased.

---------------------- THE PAPERS:

how the FUCK could they do that?




The redhead laughed to himself, eyes widening at the notes. 

"Just what is this Bakugou up to?.."


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