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"A fake scheme?" Kirishima asked, looking at him quizzically. He responded by pulling a face as if to ask him what he meant.
"We're trying to make it look like you were kidnapped by the Yakuza so that the heroes don't think that you made it back to us. This was our plan all along but obviously you've forgotten about it." Shigaraki replied.
"Ooh! So are we gonna dress him up? Can I help make him look all bloody?" Toga beamed, holding up her knife.

Kirishima sat down on a chair in a small, dirty room. Spinner came over to tie his hands, but he pulled away.
"Look, I think I trust you guys, but this fake scheme thing is a little bit scary for someone that doesn't remember anything."
"That's fair, just put your hands behind the chair and make it look like they're tied." Shigaraki responded.
Kirishima did what Shigaraki suggested and Toga grinned as she pulled out her knife.

"Woah, woah, what are you doing with your knife?" Kirishima asked, a little anxious.
"Do you think we have the time or recourses to fake injuries on you?" Shigaraki explained.
Before Kirishima could reply, Toga cut across Kirishima's head, causing blood to trickle down his face. He jumped up and backed away.

"Hotaru, can you please just cooperate. You agreed to this before you lost your damn memories. Do we need to actually restrain you?" Shigaraki sighed.
It's true, they had left him untied, which must mean they had good intentions.
"Can you at least tell me what you're gonna do?" Kirishima groaned.
"Look at that! He's really becoming his old self!" Toga exclaimed.
Without explaining, like he asked, she cut next to his ear, causing more blood to spread across the side of his face.
"I'm not even trying to injure you too much, see! I'm just trying to make a lot of blood visible, for dramatic effect!" Toga said.
She cut a few more parts of his body, causing him to grunt and sometimes involuntarily harden. Then Magne walked in.
"Some bruises will make things look a bit realistic I think." She said.
"Oh come on. . ." Kirishima sighed


Everyone's phones chimed in unison, creating an eerie tension over the room. 1A was grouped together in the dorm with Aizawa and Mic. It was Tuesday, and they hadn't had any classes. Heroes still couldn't locate Kirishima, but no one was giving up hope.

Bakugo pulled out his phone, along with everyone else, to see a text from an unknown number.

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Hesitantly, he opened the message to be greeted with a horrifying photo. A bloody and bruised Kirishima was sitting on a chair in a dark room, his hair a mess over his face. Gasps filled the room and Aizawa stood up and ran out the building with Mic to find All Might.

Kaminari fried his phone instinctively, and then threw it across the room, leaving it in a smoking mess. Mina ran to him and hugged him, crying, while Kaminari just kept staring straight ahead. Eyes were drawn to them, and Bakugo kept staring at his phone, his blood boiling.

Attention then quickly drew towards Bakugo, who threw a glass across the room, making it shatter into a million pieces.
"These pathetic heroes are taking their sweet fucking time to find him! They're useless! I don't give a shit, I'm going after him and I'm going to find him way quicker than these fucking poor excuses of heroes!" He screamed.
"Bakugo, you can't!" Kaminari pleaded.

"Is no one with me?" Bakugo yelled.
"We don't even know where he is." Midoriya said.
"You're all fucking shit! I'll go alone."
"You can't!" Kaminari yelled.
"Just try to fucking stop me!" Bakugo screamed, heading to the door without even a plan.
Kaminari ran over to him and grabbed his shoulder. Bakugo turned around and slapped his hand away, but he persisted. Kaminari grabbed both of Bakugo's hands but Bakugo pushed him to the ground. Suddenly Midoriya and Todoroki jumped up too and ran over to them, just trying to restrain Bakugo.
"Just let me go!" Bakugo screamed, tears streaming down his face as he struggled against his friends.
His hands were cracking with explosions.
"Let me find him! I have to find him! He needs to be around!"

Aizawa enters the room and quickly wraps his cloth around Bakugo after seeing the scene before him. Bakugo just bit his lips as tears continued to escape his eyes. Of course he wouldn't wish this on any of his classmates, but why was he feeling so emotional over this in particular. If it was anyone else, sure he'd be worried about them, but he wouldn't show it. But seeing Kirishima like that, he couldn't help but show it, as much as he hated it. He could feel himself immediately go into a state of panic.


Kirishima sat with everyone at the table for dinner. He had a few bandages on his body and was feeling a little uneasy after the bizarre situation earlier that day.
"So was it worth me getting all beaten up?" Kirishima asked.
"Yes, thank you for cooperating, Hotaru." Dabi responded, nodding.
"You looked cute all beaten up!" Toga gushed, smiling at him.

Shigaraki was looking over from the corner of the room.
"Dabi, can I talk to you for a minute?" He called.
Dabi stood up and followed him to the roof. They looked over at the dark clouds, making the night sky murky and black. The faint lights of buildings peaking through the fog.
"Kirishima has been incredibly cooperative and trusting, we chose a good one." Shigaraki started.
Dabi nodded in agreement.
"But his heart is still pure, and I don't know if we could convince him to do something like kill someone. Losing your memories won't just erase your morals and instincts." Shigaraki continued.
"So what are you suggesting we do?"
"I've heard of someone with a quirk that could help us. It also messes with your mind."

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