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I've been living in North Carolina for two weeks now. Kenzie and Tori started high school last week. Kenzie in 9th grade and Tori in 10th grade. I would be in 11th grade if I started school, my mum isn't making me start as I graduated back in London so it's fine. Lucy and brandon are in daycare from 8am till 5pm Monday-friday.

It's now Saturday and we are all going to Judys and joes for a party kind of thing. Well I have 2 hours to get ready and I don't know what I am going to wear. Looking through my wardrobe trying to find an outfit but I couldn't choose.

"TORI" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
The next thing I knew she's at my door looking worried and scared. "What do you want" she said rather panicky.
"I don't know what to wear" I did a smile which basically shows im sorry for screaming but this I need your help with. As soon as I told her she was searching my wardrobes. After 10 minutes of Tori looking she pulled out a pair of leggings and a white blouse who had a black collar.

I said Thankyou and then she left to go get ready as we had 1 hour left.

(Judys house)
We've been here for 2 hours and we've all had dinner but now edwin had told his mum he's going in his room so now I have to stay with my family which is really boring.

I was Talking with Edwins cousin about UK when I suddenly heard edwin shouting something about nutella and sticks. I excused myself from Gabriel and knocked on Edwins door and i soon heard him saying "come in" so I walked in obviously.

"Erm I heard screaming about nutella and I think it was sticks? So I thought I'd come be nosy" I laughed to edwin. He soon began talking to his computer "guys this is charlotte the new girl from England. She stoopid" he then dragged me to his laptop and was opened.

"Edwin you do you.nows?" I asked edwin.
"Yeh, why?" Edwin said with a confused look because he knows I'm looking at the computer screen.
"I do them to" I said kind of embarrased
"Omg we should do one together one time" edwin smiled.

(Edwins pov)
She's so beautiful, she does you.nows as well. I really do need to start watching people. We were just answering questions when Kenzie walked in. I then introduced her and she was reading all the comments which all said 3 beautiful people or your beautiful.

(K - Kenzie e - edwin c- charlotte)
E- Kenzie do you watch people's you.nows
K - yes. I only watch bruhitszach and RUDANc
E - waittttt, you blushed when you said zachs name,
K - no I didn't.
C- stop winding her up edwin she's blushing.
E - im not.
K- edwin shat up or I'll steal your nutella sticks😂
We talked like that for a while and then I started talking to my family. I got off 1 hour later and then went back to the party. I realised charchar had gone so I decided on getting in my pjs and went up to her house to help babysit Lucy and brandon.

(Charlotte pov)
It got to 11:30pm and I was really tired so I told my mum I'd take brandon and Lucy upstairs and get them ready for bed and watch a film with them. Tori, Kenzie and my mum stayed down at the party.

I turned the bath on, just as the door went. I ran to go open it and there was stood edwin. "Why are you here" I asked edwin totally confused on why he was here. But then I realised he was in pjs and was laughing at him. "I got bored" he smiled. He walked in the house.

I went and turned the bath off and shouted Lucy and Brandon in. I undressed them put them in the bath to let them mess around for a bit. Edwin walked in and decided to help bath them which was so cute of him. It was quicker than normal and we decided to watch frozen to get them to sleep as its now 12am.
Half hour went by and they were both flat out.
"Will you help me get these into there beds" I whispered to edwin. He soon looked up and nodded in response.

He carried brandon whilst I carried Lucy and when we put them in there beds and tucked them in, we decided on watching the rest of frozen.

(End of film)

I looked over to edwin and he was asleep but he looked so funny. Me being me decided to grab my make up bag and make him look all dolled up. I took a picture of him and uploaded it to twitter tagging him in it.

@charlottejade look how cute @edtertaining looks. He's all dolled up for his family. #teamhypedfamily. *pic*

I decided on going to sleep listening to music next to edwin.
I woke up with an arm around me and me laying next to someone. I then remembered edwin slept and it was obviously him. I decided I'd wake him up but When I did he was already awake.

"Good morning charlotte" he said in a morning voice. Wow it sounded perfect.
"'Morning Edwin" I said whilst getting up. He left to go to his as he was going to get his hair cut.

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