Part 8

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Jerry's POV

      I grab a muffin from the container that sits atop of my kitchen counter. I think about the dream that I had last night and how it made me feel. I like him. I have since that one recording session where Ross and Max tried to read fan fictions about me and Pooki. After the recording me and Pooki laughed together about how they didn't find anything and ended up reading a Harry Styles one instead but it was then I knew that I wanted his laugh, his smile with me all the time. But as I walk to my set up and munch on my muffin getting ready for the Hide and Seek video I realize that I might never have him.

   "Alright ya'll ready to get this game started?" Max says in his normal semi nervous voice he gets before recording anything. Pooki laughs and says that he is as ready as he will ever be. I wish I could wake up every morning to that amazing laugh. His amazing voice how it sounds like angles laughing. No wait that was everyone in the recording laughing at me for blanking out of the conversation. Ross in his normal awkward laugh states the obvious.

 " I think he might need a minute" He says in that sarcastic tone. "I am fine lets start this", I state trying not to sound bitchy. I hope this can hurry up and get over with so I can fantasize some more. I am pathetic, I wish I could just tell him how I feel. Then in what seems like the darkest moment Pooki says something incredible.

"I need a new room mate and I want to move closer to you guys." I gather my bearings and say something I never thought I would say. "You could always move in with me I have been looking for a room mate since my last one moved out." 


Thanks guys for the support on the last chapter I hope I can get back to updating consistently! Luvs Yall!  Alli.G

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