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This will work like a normal command game...sort of.

Commoners and slaves are the only cats that have to hunt and patrol.

The other cats can focus more on training and bonding.

Bonding takes one energy, but the high-up royals can force a cat to be their mate without any bonding.

There are different types of treason that cats can commit.

Steal Prey
You can steal prey to feed yourself or another cat. That cat will be full the next day. This action will be PM'd to me.

You can choose to murder a cat if you choose.

King/Queen- 10/100 chance of success
Prince/Princess- 15/100 chance of success
Named Royals- 20/100 chance of success
Other Royals- 25/100 chance of success
Healers- 70/100 chance of success
Guards- 5/100 chance of success
Commoners- 50/100 chance of success
Slaves- 60/100 chance of success
Pregnant Kit-Mothers- 80/100 chance of success
Nursing Kit-Mothers- 70/100 chance of success
Kits- 90/100 chance of success
Your Mate- 80/100 chance of success
Your Kit- 90/100 chance of success
Your Sibling/Parent- 70/100 chance of success

Having a Secret Mate
You can have a secret mate if both cats want to be mates (even if one already has another mate).

The cat asked to become mates can report this to the King/Queen. They may even get rewards.

But cats can also lie about this type of thing, so be careful!

Have Secret Kits
If you choose to have secret kits, it could be pretty risky, so you might want to breed the same day as one of the secret mates and their real mate breeds.

Keep in mind that these kits will also look like the secret mate.

You can choose to attempt to escape DawnClan. This is the worst type of treason to DawnClan royals.

Royals have a 90/100 percent chance of escape.

Healers have an 80/100 chance of escape.

Guards have a 75/100 chance of escape.

Commoners have a 60/100 chance of escape.

Apprentices have a 50/100 chance of escape.

Slaves have a 25/100 chance of escape.

Kit-Mothers have a 20/100 chance of escape.

Kits have a 10/100 chance of escape.

Helping Others to Escape
You can also help another cat to escape. If the cat agrees, the cat you help escape will have a +20 chance of escaping while you will have a -10 chance of escaping.

There are different punishments that the King/Queen can inflict on the cats found guilty of treason.

You can be demoted. Royals/healers/guards can be demoted to commoners or slaves. Commoners can be demoted to slaves.

The King/Queen can choose to kill the cat. Not much else I can add to that.

You can be banished. Usually used for cats that have a mate and/or kits.

Also, if you are born into the game, you will look like your parents. Your parents will also choose your name. You can choose your gender and sexuality.

Kits's ranks depend on their parents's ranks. If they were born by royals, they will be royals. If they were born by commoners, they will be commoners. Etc. If they have, for example, one parent who's a guard and one who's a commoner, the kit's rank would be randomized between those two.

The commoners/slaves's goals are to escape. The royals's goals is to get rid of all of the cats who are causing trouble and committing treason. Healers and guards are kind of a neutral role and can choose either the escapees's side or the royals's sides.

Have fun! :3

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