Kihyun (4): The Kingdom of Selestia

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The Kingdom of Selestia was in a peaceful slumber as per the usual for this time of night. All except for three people. The Princess who often had terrifying nightmares. The Prince who was always looking towards Winxmill where his love lives, wishing for her to be by his side for hours nightly. And the Kingdoms young seer who saw the worst fate a kingdom could ever experience, occur before his very eyes. Three small knocks echoed through the Prince's room. Kihyun opened the door to see his friend Joshua with red, puffy eyes and tear-stained cheeks. Kihyun knew this meant something awful was coming and he didn't want to know what. He invited his friend in and they sat on the window sile as Josh calmed down. 

"A vampire kingdom will fall tonight your majesty," was all Joshua could choke out from his sore throat. Kihyun's eyes widened. Not only did he have many friends there but also he knows that Joshua's little sister is the royal seer in Bayrin. 

"Does my father know?" Kihyun asked after the shock subsided.

"Yes, all seers must have seen it at the same time," Joshua responded after calming down.

"Can we stop it? Can we do anything? Can we save them? What does this mean for the other kingdoms? What-" Kihyun's rain of questions were interrupted by his sister entering his room.

"Oppa! Enough with the questions! Nothing can be done now anyway," Kiyong said as she stood beside the boys. 

"Why do you say that your majesty?" Joshua asked looking at her confused. Kihyun did the same. Kiyong, on the other hand, wasn't looking at the boys nor answering them. She instead walked to Kihyun's balcony and stopped at the edge and stared at something. 

"Because it's too late..." She breathed as the two males joined her on the balcony and saw the smouldering fire and smoke coming from Bayrin.

"So many people...gone," Kihyun breathed out both amazed and horrified of the flames in the distance. 

"The royal family... I hope they got out in time," Kiyong choked out through her tears.

Joshua fell to the floor sobbing and screaming for his sister. Kihyun slowly made his way to his father's throne room. Once he entered, he saw his father's men getting medical stations ready for possible survivors.

"Father..." Kihyun lost his words when he faced his father. There were so many emotions running through the boys head. 

"We saw this coming son. Now we can only hope they did too and got out safely," The king hugged his son and assured him it was going to be alright even though they both know it might not. One thing Kihyun knew for sure was that no kingdom was going to be the same ever again.

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