Chapter Three

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And as he had said, we sat right next to eachother. I felt relieved meeting him, my anxiety had died down a bit and I started to feel more comfortable about flying. He had helped me put up my luggage in the unit above our heads and even had the audicy to buy me wine.

"So, any great places I should know about?" The fasten your seatbelt sign lights up and the pilot makes an announcement about us taking off. The plane shakes and that loud airplane noise sounds through my ears but I had gotten used to it enough for it not to affect me. I was sat in the middle between Trevor and another lady who kept leaning away to talk to her friend on the other batch of seats.

"Lots actually. And depends as well. What are you looking for exactly?" A time machine. I want to go back to the day of my wedding and remind him to say my name right or maybe just punch him in the face in advance. Maybe things would have gone amazingly. We'd have gone to our cruise ship honeymoon, have many amounts of sex and eat our hearts out. Then we'd move in together. Work together. Have children together. My life had almost seemed like a fairytale 13 days ago but here I am, avoiding him like a plague.

"Peace of mind" I take a sip from my wine, glad it was there in the first place. He had this silly expression written across his face and I suddenly realize how handsome this man actually was. His slightly thick curly hair had fallen across his eyes and it shimmered from being against the sun and his pearly white teeth were showing, a small dimple perched on his right cheeck that made him seem more innocent than how it might actually be.

"This might make me sound like a crazy person talking but, mind if I show you around?" He had his eyebrows raised at the suggestion, a slight smirk played across his lips. I laugh jokingly saying "Well theres not much to see here" pointing around the plane and he chuckles, his hair flopping along with his head.

"Im serious. My hometown is the greatest place to find your...peace of mind" I dont know why but I just trusted him. My mind wasn't rational, the thought of him being a serial killer never crossed my mind although this dialogue might be sounding like one in those documentaries Ive enjoyed so much. But the only gut feeling I got was to go with him.

Great going brain!

"And dont worry, free of accomodation, in the house" he winks, slightly bumping his shoulder against mine as he sips his wine. My heart flutters at the sudden flirtiness of his tone that seemed to drop down to a lower octave than his already deep original one.

"Are you sure? I mean, I dont mean to impose" Right. Right. Impose on his serial killer duties! Curse him for being an encridibly handsome man!

"Trust me, thats the last thing you'll be doing" I almost see a glimpse of sadness burst through his eyes but it was quick enough for me to brush off. Maybe he was glad I was here to, it might sound stupid but I could feel it.

"Youre not a serial killer right?" I half heartedly ask and he laughs in response.

Shit, he's not denying it. But after all Ive been through, dying really isnt such a bad option to me.

"Oh my god, what is that smell?" I felt giddy like a little child in disney land and I felt just like it around Trevor's tall figure. He looked like a natural being here, as if he never left while I on the other hand, with every motion that I will ever come to make, look like a tourist.

"Thats the smell of coffee...tea...and oh, bread" Trevor smiles as he stares down at me, probably regretting his decision on picking me to stay with him or maybe thinking twice about killing me in his own serial killer way.

I always hated tea, it went against my sweet tooth. My stomach churned at the smell but I didnt want to seem like a pig the first day we've met! I reserved that atleast 2 days after!

"Im actually kind of hungry. Theres a pizza place right across here, wanna go there?" Despite the luggage that I had to carry around, the sound of food just sounded like angels singing.

I insisted on paying for the meal seeing as this would probably be the only time Ill get to do that. I started to feel embarrassed on actually taking him up on his offer. I mean, what do i do there?? I dont know anyone from his family aside from his mom and she's never seen or heard from me her whole time of existance! We walked a few blocks more to the car rental but I didnt really mind.

It was different. The air was different, the atmosphere and the people. Everything seemed slower and the air seemed fresher than I remembered it to be. It seemed to smell delicious at every corner, there was always just a small space for a small shop for food and everything here seemed peaceful already.

"You like it huh?" Trevor whispers from beside me. Hmmm, he smells like coffee. I could only nod in response as his arm found its way across my shoulder as he pulls me closer towards him.

"Then you'll love where were going" he gave me a goofy grin and we enter the car rental shop. They spoke in their native language and I suddenly had the urge to learn it. Ill never know, maybe his mom or siblings, if he had any, was talking shit right infront of my face without me even knowing.

But there seemed to be no doubt in my mind that I was absolutely going with him. And I had no idea why.

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