Chapter 1

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Dolly was laying on the couch snoring the day away from a long night with her friends... she could finally get some sleep after doug and Delilah took all the pups to get vaccinated Dylan going with them to keep order.

Dolly didn't really need to go her brother could take care of everything and they were already vaccinated so all she had to do was wait for them to get back which would take hours considering of all the pups...

So there she lay sleeping peacefully before a knock at the door caused her eyes to open "huh?" She looked around before hearing the knock again groaning in frustration she flipped off the couch and headed for the door.

She put her paw on the paw scanner for the door to automatically open and to which who was behind the door made her frown turn upside down as it revealed a smirking fox.

"Hey doll..." he smirked walking in "heard your parents were away~" he said huskily making her give off a smirk herself "you heard huh?~" she asked as he started circling around her the door closing just behind him.

"Yep~" he answered before roughly pinning her against the wall "so... what has my favorite Dalmatian been up to?~" fergus asked nose touching nose "well I was napping~" she giggled.

Giving him a soft tinder kiss on the cheek "but I could use some company~" she winked he growled lustfully in response before taking her in his paws "I'll accept that offer~" he smirked.


"Oi! Can you believe they actually let us walk home by ourselves?" Dimitri 1 asked his brothers who nodded in agreement.

"For the last time dimitri's your not alone I'm here with you!" Dylan said frankly annoyed.. the dimitri's were the first to get vaccinated and it seemed they were the ones to take it willingly which surprised Delilah and Doug considering how much the three hated the vet.

And well they wanted to leave as soon as possible... so they asked them for Dylan to take them home and sure enough he did but they frankly didn't even acknowledge his existence either to annoy him or just plainly forgot...

Maybe the first one.

But finally they were home so dylan could go back to the vet and maybe grab dolly on the way... the adults insisted that they had everything under control but to be honest Dylan didn't really trust that statement.

So he wanted to make sure everything got done orderly so he needed to drop them off as soon as possible himself!

He put a paw to the paw scanner as the door finally opened with all four of them heading to the living room only to meet Uh... sight to see...

"OH MY DOG!" Dylan yelled covering dimitri 1 and 2s eyes failing to get number 3 as fergus fell off of dolly in surprise and dolly putting a pillow between her legs...

"DYLAN!" She yelled making Dylan close his eyes "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" She yelled "THE DIMITRIS WERE DONE EARLY SO I HAD TO DROP THEM OFF!" The big brother defended "WHY DIDN'T YOU STAY AT THE VET!?" Dolly barked blushing madly.

"BECAUSE THEY WOULDN'T STOP PESTERING MY TO BRING THEM HOME!" Dylan again defended himself but then ran with two Dimitris in his arms but dimitri 3 however had watched the scene unfold.

"Woah..." is all he said before slowly getting up with wide eyes and leaving for the other room as dolly watched on... she sighed before realizing fergus was on the floor.

"Oh my dog fergus! Are you alright?!" Dolly asked leaning over to the couch with a worried expression gazing at a dazed fox who had a little... ahem... "friend" poking out...

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