Chapter 2

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Dimitri 3 made his way over into the living room sitting down in front of the TV staring right at Fergus.

The fox confused asked "what ya doin lad?" He asked tilting his head "oh I just wanna talk about dolly for a moment..." the Dalmatian asked giving an slight nod to the door way of the living room where the other Dimitri's were straddling paint pall guns snickering all the while.

"What about her?" Fergus asked straightening his back a little nervous.

"Well... dolly never mentioned you two were dating... and that scene earlier was a bit strange..." Dimitri 3 squinted his eyes at Fergus for a moment before turning away.

"So... what's she like?" He finally asked Getting straight to the point "uh... what do you mean?" Fergus asked gulping.

"I mean what's she like with you? She kind? Sassy? Playful? What?" Dimitri asked giving him the most innocent of looks.

"W-well... uh... she's... she's everything you'd see in a tom boy~" Fergus sighed looking up at the ceiling "she's perfect... in every way... she enjoys the canal... loves the park... I absolutely love her skating skills... and... out of all the dogs in the city... she chose a fox~" he chuckled his cheeks blushing red.

"Ah that's all well in good and everything Fergus..." Dimitri 3 sneered "but... story times over... NOW!" Dimitri 3 sucked for cover as the other two brothers jumped out behind the entrance and opened fire on the fox "woah!" Fergus quickly jumped off as the couch just got splattered in paint all over the Dimitri's held their fire and aimed around...

Dimitri three pokes his head up a bit looking around "did ya get em?" He asked as both dimitri 1 and 3 shook their heads.

"Where could he had..." Dimitri 3 trailed off as he looked to the ceiling a shaking fox stuck to it.

"THERE!" He yelled causing the other two Dimitri's to look up with Fergus yelping and jumping down.

"make your shots count!" Dimitri 1 yelled firing his paintball gun directly at the vixen who just nearly dodged the paint balls by a hair Dimitri 2 rushing over to the other side of the couch before popping off a few shots.

Fergus for his part made a be-line for the entrance of the living room only to be stopped by Dimitri 3 "I got em boys!" he barked only he didn't have Fergus but was just merely holding onto his leg...

"Seriously?" Fergus asked looking down before hearing two clicks of paint ball triggers "we got em now!" Dimitri 2 sneered with Dimitri 1 following suit "fire!" Dimitri 3 ordered only to be held up by Fergus.

"Wait! No-" Dimitri 3 pleaded as the two other brothers fired their paint ball guns right at the third Dalmatians chest while Fergus used him as a shield.

For ten minutes the guns never stopped until they ran out of ammunition at this time Dimitri 3 was dropping soaked in paint.

all four of them were silent the two other Dimitri's looked at their brother and then at the fox then at one another...

Dimitri 3 slowly rose his paws and wiped the paint on his eye lids before blinking looking at them all.

Fergus was looking at all three of them in surprise before... "heh... heh..."

Dimitri 3 followed "Heheheheheh..."

the two other Dimitri's then started "ha...hahhahhAHHAHHAHAHHAHAAHH!"

Everyone just started laughing Fergus dropping Dimitri 3 while holding his gut Dimitri three kicking in the air laughing out of his lungs and Dimitri 1 and 2 threw down their guns and laughed and laughed...

Soon the laughing died down to wheezing as they couldn't get ahold of themselves finally after 10 minutes they calmed down nearly enough to breathe "t-that... w-w-was hilarious...." Dimitri 1 wheezed.

Dimitri 2 continued "the paint com- completely covered him!" He laughed holding his chest.

Ten minutes later they all finally settled down to panting and breathing fresh air.

"So... what would you guys like to do?" Fergus asked.

And it was this question that would lead in their wacky adventures...
IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! BUT ITS HERE YES! CHAPTER 2 IS HERE! Okay so it may have low quality right now but I'll return to normal next chapter... I can't let people hanging it's not fair to them

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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