Gangster Prince: Chapter 1 :">

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"AHHHHHHHH!" I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs right now! I'm not gay by the way. Well, I'm assuming that's how you would feel too, If what happened to me happens to you too. My day started out normal today, I'm still an invisible nerd in Je T'aime Academy. Well, Its an International school :) They teach us French, Koreans and Japanese. As I was saying, I'm invisible.. the only people who can see me are my bestfriends, Hongki and Jai :) 

Oh I just realized something, I haven't introduced myself yet. Sorry! I'm Jaejin Lee :) Jaeki or Jin works too but I prefer Jaeki :D 17 years old, Only child, Straight A's student, came from a pretty rich family even though I don't brag about it because I don't really think people actually cares. I'm a nerd.. Well, that was before what happened this morning..


*sigh* Another tiring day.. I need to change.

" JIN!! " - Dad

"Hey dad! What's up?" 

"Get changed! Were going somewhere. I have important news, I think it's about time."- Dad

"Coming dad!" - I don't know why, but I feel nervous.. Oh well, It does sound I'mportant..

-----FAST FORWARD-----

We're here at a restaurant somewhere in downtown. . .

"Son, Its about time... Son, being a gangster runs in our blood.. Your grandfather was a gangster, I was a gangster, your mom became a gangster.."

"Okay dad, So what does that have to do with everything?"

"Son, whether you like it or not, It is already decided.. You will be the family's GANGSTER PRINCE"

"A gangster???!! DAD!! Are you out of your mind?"

"Jin, you have to be a gangster, It is in our blood. You are the family's prince, You need to change your stlye, Our family is known for being gangsters.. you need to be whether you like it or not!!" - DAD

WHAT IS HE SAYING???!! I'm so confused!!

"Dad.... I don't know what to say..." 

"Don't worry Jin, We've been planning this since the day you were born.. And you wouldn't want to dissapoint your grandfather and the surname "LEE" now, would you?" - DAD

Damn it!! Why did I grew up being a nerd.. Now he knows I have to follow his rules..

"Yes dad, I understand.."


I'm here by the field, trying to clear my head..







I need to go home..





-- "Hey Jin!! :) This is the stylist that will fix you up and make you look more like a "LEE"..." -Dad

"Gee.. Thanks dad (Sarcasm) "

"No problem Jin!  Now, Anee! (stylist) after this, I wan't to see him Looking more like me when I was young.." -Dad

"Yes, sir Lee, as you wish." - Anee

-----Several hours later.------

"Now take a look at the mirror" - Anee

Okay.. Let's see how different I look. Hmm.. I guessing this will be interesting.

"WHAT THE!!! Is this actually me?? :O"

Oh my gosh! is this actually true? I'm wearing a leather Jacket.. They shaved some of my hair off and designed it like a typical gangster looking person. They changed my glasses and made me wear contact lenses instead, I DON'T LOOK ANYTHING LIKE MY TYPICAL SELF. I wonder how my bestfriends would think of my new look. :) It's kind of fun to think about it! :D

All of a sudden I heard footsteps..

"HEY JIN! You look exactly like me when I was your age! It looks like gangster stlye suits you very well! I'm glad you agreed to this! I'm proud of you son" -Dad

"Thanks dad! It's already late.. I need to go to sleep! I guess we'll see what their reactions will be tomorrow :) Goodnight dad!" 

 I ran upstairs and stared at myself in the mirror! 

Oh wait!  forgot something!! Damn it! I rand to my closet and checked if I had anything gangster looking..



















AFTER 12345678987654321 YEARS.. LOL kidding! After about an hour of looking through my closet, I finally found a black jacket, rayban sunglasses, a while V-neck shirt, a long necklace and shredded jeans! That will do! :) Looking through this, it reminds of Hongki's style :) Oh well! Can't wait for tomorrow! This will be awesome and exciting!


Okay! that's it for now! I'll ty to catch up and update tomorrow! Give me feedbacks and predictions of what will happen!! :) 

How is it so far? 

and I'm sorry I'm just an amateur 14 year old writer -.- and YES! I am FILIPINO. The reason I type like this is because I don't know how to spell some tagalog words which can make the whole sentence awkward.. I'll try though! don't worry :) I'll try improving! That's it for now. When it's day time in the Philippines, It is night time here in Canada so yeah! I'll update tomorrow or so! :) YEAH! I have school too so its gonna be hard :( Oh well! :) 

Read my story! and tune in! 

Love, Your amateur author


Gangster Prince.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon