Late Nights, Long Fights: Chapter 3

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It's finally time to get to the bottom of things with Sam.

Late Nights, Long Fights: Chapter 3

    The music continues to flow through the room. Dean has you giggling in no time and your completely distracted from Sam. Not to mention Dean's pancakes this morning may have been his best yet. Between those things you don't have much to worry about. "Yeah and then Benny takes this crazy amount of shots, had to have been I don't know nine or ten in a row." You just keep giggling and shaking your head in denial, this story keeps getting more unbelievable with each passing second. Even if Benny had drank that much including the drinks Dean had mentioned earlier, he would've died that night. "What are you giggling about sweetheart? Do you not believe this?" he questions

    "Dean, I love you and all, but there's no way that happened all in one night." you laugh, "Are you sure you didn't watch a movie where all this happened or something? Cause everything you're feeding me right now seems like total bullshit." You say, practically crying and laughing.

    Lost in conversation with Dean, you don't even realize Sam's walked into the room. "What are we talking about?" he asks, his hangover is shining through big time. His hair is still a mess from the night before, and he put on some pajama pants so he wasn't just in his boxers. The whole mood seemed to shift in mere seconds. You weren't hungry anymore, your happy mood was plagued with a nauseous feeling. Confrontation was never your strong point, nor a thing you enjoyed. It almost always led to hurt feelings or truths that no one wanted to really accept or know.

    The silence was awkward, but Dean saved the day, "Just a crazy night Benny and I had forever ago." he said "You uh..had a rough one last night huh buddy?"

    "Ehh yeah a little, honestly I don't remember much. I can for sure tell you it wasn't a great one." he said plainly and came deeper into the room. He made himself a cup of coffee and then came and sat by you. You still hadn't said anything to him. Usually in the mornings you were almost annoyingly perky. No one should like mornings as much as you do.

    Today was different though, you were still cautious and worried about the events of the night before. There hadn't been a point in your relationship where you didn't trust Sam, so this was especially weird for you. Your relationship was built on that, total and complete trust. Previously you hadn't had the greatest luck with guys, they had all turned out to be total douche bags. Sam seemed so different, but things were beginning to look less and less good. You hated that. Your heart hated that. It felt queasy and heavy, like everything inside you was collapsing. Sam was it for you. He was supposed to be it for you. You couldn't imagine him doing anything like this to you but it all seemed so out of place.

    "Y/n? Earth to Y/n" You looked up from your food and over at Sam who was addressing you. "You okay? You seem quiet this morning."

    Understatement. Silent was the better word for it. Think positive Y/n, you have to think positive. Stay calm and act like you usually would. Honest. You have to be honest with him. Taking a big breath you finally respond "No, I'm not actually. Can we talk, alone. Just for a minuet" You said calmly. Dean gave you a nod of approval and you felt better again. It was like your big brother was cheering you on from the sidelines.

    "Uh, yeah, yeah. We'll be right back Dean." Sam replied and you both headed towards your shared bedroom. That was one thing you always admired about Sam, his empathy towards others. You always promised each other that you would be open with one another. You would tell it how it was and your feelings wouldn't get hurt. He was always concerned with others health, both physically and mentally. Ever since Lucifer he'd been especially mindful of that. He was kind, sweet and so caring of others. Just the little things like that made everything about Sam that much more special.

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