Lando Norris - "No, I'm not letting you go. It's too early to get out of bed."

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Prompts: "No, I'm not letting you go. It's too early to get out of bed." + "You're so cute when you're half asleep like this.."


Y/n woke up feeling the presence of her boyfriend next to her,  head in the crook of her neck and arm around her waist. Calm breath's coming from him. Sheets draped over them to not get cold. Curtains messily closed while the sun was coming up

Y/n looked at the time, it was just before 8 am, she remembered Lando saying he wanted to do something productive today although she regained thoughts of him joining her in bed around 4 am, since he had been streaming and gaming with his friends.

She tried to move from Lando, but his arm prevented her from moving. "Lando" no response. "Lando" she whispered again,
"That's my name" he said with a husky voice "could you please let me go, we have to get up it's 8 am already."
"I'm not letting you go, it's too early to get out of bed" with that he cuddled closer to y/n.
"Says the one that wanted to do something productive today, come on."
He looked up at her with his sleepy eyes, and messy hair,
"Just a few more minutes, pretty please." He asked with a pout,
Y/n narrowed her eyes at him,  "fine" she responded.

He laid his head back down in the crook of her neck and gave it a quick kiss, closing his eyes while y/n ran her fingers through his messy hair, massaging his scalp. He wished the time wouldn't pass so fast.

"Alright few minutes is over you have to let me go now." Y/n stated. "Fine" Lando said with clear annoyance, and rolled on his back.

He watched as Y/n collected one of his oversized hoodies, putting it on.
Y/n got on the bed and crawled towards Lando,  leaning over him, his hands finding her waist.

He looked so stunning in the golden light from the morning sun, that peaked from the messy closed curtains. Hair ruffled, the light making his eyes glisten, his eyelids heavy because of the lack of sleep.

"You're so cute when you're half asleep like this." Y/n said softly, Lando giving her a little smile as response.
She leaned over to his lips, both closing their eyes, brushing her lips against his.

Without saying anything y/n quickly got op again, walking over to the door of their shared bedroom. She looked over her shoulder at Lando, he followed her movements with a confused look why she left all of a sudden.

"If you still want that kiss, get your ass downstairs."

FORMULA 1 - ONE SHOTS/ PREFERENCESWhere stories live. Discover now