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I got a call a couple of days after I met Tony. I was sitting in the lab working on some of my data. I didn't even look to see who it was, just accepted the call and lifted the phone to my ear. Tony was speaking before I even said hello.

"What are you doing tonight?" He said.

"I think Clint was..." I began.

"Clint's busy." He said, cutting me off. "Get dressed up. I'm taking you out."

"How dressed up?" I asked.

There was a pause on the other end. "What size are you? I'll send something to you."

"No, Tony," I said, firmly. For the first time actually looking up from my work and focusing totally on him.

"What?" He said, sounding genuinely perplexed.

"I don't want you buying me things all the time. It's very impressive that you have money, but it's not why I'm here." I said.

"Pfft. Money's nothing. It's black tie. You got something?" Tony said.

I scrunched up my nose and thought about what was in my wardrobe. "Yes," I said slowly, dragging the word right out.

"That's a no. Just tell me your size." Tony insisted.

"Tony!" I yelped.

"What?" He said, exasperated.

"I don't want you to buy me. That's not who I am." I groaned.

"Look, you'd be doing me a favor okay? I have the stupid fucking event, I absolutely have to go to. If you come with me I don't have to hear 'there's plenty more fish in the sea' recited to me over and over by old men who are married and are also fucking all the fish in the sea." Tony explained. "Let me just send a dress over. I can get a loaner if you like. Then I'm not even spending any money. I just... I want you to be there."

"Fine." I huffed. "I'm a size 6."

"And feet?" He said.


"You can wear heels?"

"Just barely," I said.

He laughed. "Okay. It'll be waiting for you. And I'll pick you up at 7. No. Make it 8."

"Alright. I'll see you then." I mumbled, hanging up the phone.

When I got home there was not just a package with a dress and shoes waiting for me, but three people. Two women and one man. One of the women introduced herself as Melissa telling me she was a stylist and introduced the other two, telling me they were here for hair and makeup.

I was then subjected to what I can only describe as some kind of torture while they got me ready to go out to whatever this event Tony was taking me to.

By the time I was done I barely even recognized myself. My hair was done up with a few loose locks carefully styled so they curled down my face, framing it. My cheeks were contoured and my lips painted the same dark red as the floor-length Dior gown I was wearing. The skirt was tulle, with intricate beadwork and embroidery.

The shoes were not too high of a heel, thank god, and in the same red with a slingback. To top it off he'd sent over a necklace of platinum with cascading diamonds and a pair of matching earrings. I was told they were on loan and worth more than my apartment. So that set my mind at ease.

Tony showed up at about 8.30. Just when I was thinking he'd changed his mind. There was a knock at the door and he stood beaming at me. "Don't you scrub up nicely?" He said.

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