Aoi can be a prick too, but a princely prick

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I am frustrated because there is this really loud person in my bus calling with someone in a foreign language and I usually write on the bus to work so now I can't

So why not vent my anger through Aoi also being annoyed by someone.


Today was such a day, everything didn't go as planned, his schedule was pushed around and Aoi was arriving late for almost all of his meetings.

So when this person on the train has the audacity to start calling someone in a dead-quiet cabin he felt furious. It was common manners to be quiet and never call on trains. Yeah, some of the foreigners did from time to time but they would be alerted by the staff, but this time around it was this pouchy salary man who really looked like he didn't care about the world.

Aoi had taken out his phone to text with some of the group members. At least this loud guy was doing something for him, attracting the attention. Why would an idol even be on the train? You'd ask.

Well, when everything plainly just went to shit Aoi was left without a ride home and only a scarf, hat and some regular glasses as his disguise. Praying no one would notice him... although that's kind of hard when you look like he does.

Aoi was standing, holding one of the handles with his face towards the window panes. Eventually even the earpieces he was using to listen to the song they would have to practice this afternoon, don't drown the voice next to him out anymore. Now a tick started to mentally form on his forehead, he couldn't focus on his work.

Aoi sighs, turning to the man in question, wanting to quiet him down in favour of not being discovered. The man notices Aoi looking at him in discontent and puts a finger up to his lips, telling him to shush, he felt that should be enough.

But oh, it wasn't. This dude, on his phone still starts grinning. "Yeah, sorry, some blonde here just tried to shush me"

Aoi was perplexed, the grin and the intention behind those words weren't really pretty. "Excuse me?"

The dead-quiet train overhearing their conversation, all eyes were locked onto them now and Aoi knew he couldn't escape anymore. The intercoms rang the last stop before his own and Aoi really wanted to rub his temples.

"Aoi-kun?" One person called out from behind him. Oh shit. Aoi felt cold sweat form in his neck as he closed his eyes for a second, before forming his retort.

"You're being incredibly rude" he said as kindly as possible, with his famous smile playing in as a poker face. The other guy raised a brow before lowering his phone a bit. After Aoi spoke there were at least three people standing up. His eyes glanced over the people who stood up and flashed them a quick smile. These are fangirls. Aoi knew he needed to get out of the train as quickly as he could or he would be flocked.

Luck be in his favour at that moment as the train started slowing down, it was a stop before where he needed to be but he'd walk the rest of it once he was out of sight. Before the man could even respond an 'Aoi-sama!!' screech could be heard from different directions of the train. As soon as the doors opened, Aoi slid out and immediately went a few corners to shake off any followers.

He glanced around from the corner he was in to see if anyone noticed him or followed him, but he seemed to be alone. Aoi took that moment to rest from hurrying about and slumped against the wall when suddenly his phone started vibrating wildly. He sighed as he took it out of his pocket to see the spam of tags he got on twitter and the pictures attached. Man, those girls are quick. He scrolled through a few blurry pictures of himself from just seconds ago and had to laugh at the comments underneath it that said they lost track of him.

Aoi posted a comment underneath one of the pictures with a winky-face kaomoji. Chaos ensued in that comment section.

Aoi then also went to his own Twitter page to send out a tweet:

To the person I just crossed on the train, well... I just hope you got a taste of your own medicine.

Aoi imagined what would have happened to the guy when all of the fangirls tried to go past him when he left the train. He chuckled as he locked his phones again.

Now, to get home.

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